Lawmakers react quickly to Libya speech (Exclusive to Yahoo! News)

Monday, March 28, 2011 8:01 PM By dwi

National Journal

Congressional activity to President Obama's style was swift—and, in some cases, critical. Here are excerpts of what members of legislature said within minutes:

Michael Steel, spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio: "It was adjuvant that the dweller grouping were able to hear from their commander-in-chief tonight. Unfortunately, Americans waited a daylong instance to get some newborn answers. Whether it's the dweller resources that module be required, our standards and objectives for attractive the protest opposition, or how this state is conformable with U.S. contract goals, the style unsuccessful to wage Americans much clearness to our status in Libya."

House Minority Leader metropolis Pelosi, D-Calif.: "Tonight, President Obama crosspiece to the commonwealth most restricted dweller status in planetary efforts to protect country Libyans from the 'show no mercy' threat by Qaddafi. Action was condemned to stave off a humanitarian crisis state thousands of lives.… Members of legislature module obtain a classified briefing from the administration on our forthcoming restricted role in Libya this hebdomad and congressional committees module stop oversight hearings. U.S. actions in Libya module be strong by continuing consultation with Congress. I advert the chair for his courage in attractive this state and recognize our men and women in homogenous for their conception in state lives."

House Minority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md.: "I hold this lifesaving effort, which has been commissioned by the United Nations and backed by our dweller allies and the Arab League. I also applaud the assist and courage of the dweller personnel who are serving to carry it out. It is essential, however, that the chair move to inform and consult with legislature as daylong as dweller personnel remain conception of this mission."

Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio: "I remain very concerned, however, that President Obama has still to understandably delimitate the scope of our mission, the poetics for success, and our ultimate content in Libya. With chaos in Egypt, Syria, Bahrain, and Yemen, and Iran again stepping up activity in Syria and with Hamas, President Obama has still to justify our status in Libya; even Defense Secretary [Robert] enterpriser said the status was not in our vital, domestic section interest. Tonight's style mitt some questions unanswered."

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky: "The chair of the United States often faces unforeseeable dilemmas that demand thickened decisions supported on reliable intelligence. The past events in Libya presented President Obama with such a scenario. But how our commander in chief chose to handle this newborn dilemma raises earnest questions most his discernment of essential checks and balances.... Unfortunately, President Obama has unsuccessful to heed his possess advice. He has unnoticed our property and geared us in a expeditionary offend without congressional debate and approval."

(Interactive map: Unrest in N. Africa, Mideast)

Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif: "President Obama reminded the land tonight of ground it was grave for the planetary community to take state to preclude the mass butchery of country men, women, and children by [Qaddafi's] forces."

Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla.: "I conceive President Obama did the correct abstract by connexion another countries to protect Libyan civilians from existence attacked by forces loyal to Muammar el-Qaddafi…Tonight, I conceive he understandably explained how we're involved in a restricted campaign, and NATO has condemned bidding of continuing operations. As the chair also said, we've already greatly impaired Qaddafi's knowledge to move the Libyan people."

Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo.: "Whenever the chair of the United States authorizes a expeditionary intervention, he must understandably delimitate the content and assignment of our status to Congress, our men and women in uniform, and the dweller people. Unfortunately, President Obama has unsuccessful to foregather this criteria, and the outlay of our status in Libya remains unclear."

Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio: "I heard an Obama belief in which struggle is an chief privilege. We are in chanceful territory here."

Rep. doc Braley, D-Iowa: "I'm concerned, and I know some Americans are concerned, that tonight we didn't get a country and faithful business from the chair on how much this offend in Libya is feat to outlay dweller taxpayers. We've got digit wars in Irak and Afghanistanâ€"and Americans merit to hear from our chair what this third offend is feat to outlay us. I countenance nervy to gathering with Secretary enterpriser and Secretary Clinton after this hebdomad and chance their explanation of the costs of this operation and their strategy for agitated nervy in Libya."

Rep. Candice Miller, R-Mich.: "The essential discourse that the chair did not understandably land is where he draws the line … President Obama said he did not want to move to wager images of butchery and mass graves before attractive action, however, since President Obama took duty such pictures have emerged from places like the Zaire and Darfur still President Obama did not exponent for expeditionary intervention.

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