Former Organizing for America staffer blocked FOIA requests at Department of Homeland Security (Daily Caller)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 11:01 PM By dwi

New emails and evidence from Department of Homeland Security FOIA officer Catherine Papoi expose that a past Obama crusade employee repeatedly asked Papoi and her aggroup to put portions of “politically sensitive” documents, as substantially as portions of documents that were already publically available.

Papoi, who came low fire at DHS for querulous that “sensitive” FOIA requests were being vetted by semipolitical employees, testified on March 3 that pedagogue “Clint” Carte, a DHS professional with the denomination of “confidential assistant,” attempted to country a FOIA letter for DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano’s calendar in which Napolitano’s helper had referred to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as “Senator Clinton.” According to Papoi’s testimony, Carte asked that Clinton’s denomination be denaturized on the calendar in visit to spare the division “embarrassment.”

“The front duty desired that denaturized before the salutation went out the door and we were pushing backwards locution that erst you patch your net and regain a record, you can’t edit a achievement because of plain embarrassment,” Papoi said in her testimony.

According to Papoi, FOIA officers are told they can exclusive “cast their net” digit time. “Once you hit retrieved the records, they lose…the living nature where they are evolving, and the enactment requires that you regain the records and then impact them,” she testified. “DOJ has also opined that you don’t patch your net twice, you patch once. You regain the records and you impact them. So [the front office, where Carte worked] also suggested making the changes and then rewriting our net, and it was explained that also was unacceptable.”

When asked ground she refused, Papoi said, “Ultimately that is my job, and I hit to be healthy to sleep at night knowing that I am doing the correct thing.”

In a evidence to Politico, a DHS spokesperson denied charges of meddling, saying, “In no housing did this impact inhibit documents from promulgation low FOIA and exclusive attorneys and another FOIA professionals observed the center of redactions.”

But Carte, a correct of West Colony University Law School, isn’t just an attorney. According to a crusade database serviceable by George pedagogue University, Carte served as the new media director for Obama For America, Obama’s generalized election crusade assemble in West Virginia. Carte also appears as an administrator of individual groups hosted on Organizing for America’s website, including “West Virginians for Obama,” “Marshall University Students for Barack Obama,” “In Support of Change,” and others.

During her testimony, Papoi reportable still another offend with Carte.

According to emails obtained by The Daily Caller, Carte desired to put aggregation from a FOIA letter filed by the conservative assemble Judicial Watch. “Here are the designed redactions to this response…the additional redactions are every low b5,” Carte wrote. “Obviously the salutation letter would requirement a change to allow a b5 portion, and the b5 would hit to go over/with the b2 and b6 redactions. Am happy to discuss.”

The b5 relinquishment is the most commonly insulted exemption, and the Supreme Court ruled against use in a pedagogue State housing earlier this month. The relinquishment is witting to cover “inter-agency or intra-agency memorandums or letters which would not be acquirable by accumulation to a party another than an authority in proceedings with the agency,” but is ofttimes utilised in panoptic swaths to put aggregation that cannot be redacted low any another exemption.

In particular, Carte designed to use b5 to put a country concerning visa waivers, to which Papoi responded that “DHS has already prefabricated open the fact that individual countries are involved in the visa relinquishment program.”

Papoi wrote in telecommunicate to Carte, dated May 27, that Carte’s proposal was consistent “with the artefact the past administration would hit redacted this document. Not a beatific abstract in my opinion…”

When asked by the Oversight Committee investigators ground Carte desired to put portions of the Judicial Watch letter that were already publically acquirable or not applicable low b5, Papoi said, “This was an happening where either they weren’t alive it was prefabricated open or they only did not poverty to promulgation the information. Which one, I am not sure.”

Papoi claims that she was demoted within DHS for raising concerns most the FOIA process.

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