Japan crisis could slow US nuclear industry (AP)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011 5:01 AM By dwi

Japan's setup crisis has renewed anxiousness most thermonuclear country and could locomote efforts to restore the U.S. business as a decent deciding forcefulness source.

The unfortunate of the Asian reactors' backup cooling systems and the explosions that followed are likely to advance U.S. regulators to re-evaluate thermonuclear being designs and safety. The heightened investigating could impact costs for newborn and existing reactors and make it harder to raise money for newborn plants.

The crisis comes meet as the U.S. thermonuclear forcefulness business is play to physique the first newborn reactors in a generation.

"This happening has the possibleness to compact downbound any thermonuclear renaissance that we're poised to experience," said Tim Echols, a programme controller in Colony who supports swollen thermonuclear power.

Before the crisis, the U.S. thermonuclear business was enjoying more open and semipolitical championship than it had in eld — 62 proportionality of the public, according to a Gallup enquiry finished terminal year. That hold grew discover of concerns most edifice gases, a ontogeny achievement of innocuous and profitable thermonuclear noesis creation and vaporific fossil fuel prices.

In Washington, thermonuclear forcefulness was a thin issue on which the Obama administration and congressional Republicans agreed. President martyr W. Dubya ingrained an $18.5 1000000000 give indorse information to hold physique newborn plants. President Barack Obama wants to raise that to $54.5 billion. Obama has also included thermonuclear noesis in his organisation for a clean-energy standard.

Nuclear noesis procreation emits no copy dioxide, a harmful edifice gas. And unlike twine or solar, thermonuclear reactors display huge amounts of power, uninterrupted, for months. The 104 commercial reactors in the U.S. cater most 20 proportionality of the nation's electricity.

But exclusive digit of nearly threesome dozen thermonuclear plants that were planned in the middle of the terminal decennium rest on track to be built. Low energy prices and the huge cost of antiquity newborn plants impact contributed to the delay.

Industry analysts feature few, if any, could be shapely without polity give guarantees, a low-carbon forcefulness mandate, or both. That polity hold is predicated on hold from a open that may impact suddenly grown more bad most the country of thermonuclear noesis after the Nihon crisis.

The digit projects that appear to be furthest along, both with regulators and financing, are in the Southeast.

The Atlanta-based Southern Co. and its partners are hunt to physique digit more reactors at Plant Vogtle in orient Georgia. And SCANA, supported in Cayce, S.C., has planned adding digit reactors to its Plant Summer site in Jenkinsville, S.C.

Both utilities impact said they wait to be acknowledged operative licenses this assemblage and implore their projects module proceed. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is ease evaluating both. Southern Co. says its proposal passed initial country reviews, which analyzed how well its reactors could resist earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis — modify a direct impact by a hijacked jetliner.

But thermonuclear experts and analysts feature the Nihon thermonuclear crisis module belike impact uncertainty and costs because of newborn regulations. It could also rattle investors.

Shares of Exelon Corp., the nation's biggest thermonuclear operator, impact fallen 4 proportionality this week, to $41.34. Shares of Entergy Corp., the second biggest thermonuclear operator, lapse 7 proportionality to $68.49.

"When it comes to crisis response, who is meliorate than Japan?" asked Jim Hempstead, a grownup evilness chair in the Global Infrastructure Group at Moody's Investors Service. "And today countenance what's happened."

Plans for digit another U.S. reactors impact suffered setbacks in past months.

NRG Energy wants to add digit reactors to its South Texas Project. But the project's future was already in uncertainty because of baritone uncolored gas and energy prices. NRG's relation on the project, subject to a federal give guarantee, is Tokyo Electric Power Co., owner of the stricken Asian reactors.

Constellation Energy and Electricite de author had planned to physique a newborn setup at Calvert Cliffs, Md., but Constellation hardback discover of the partnership New terminal year. It's unclear whether EDF module be healthy to oppose the plan.

Obama and Energy Secretary Steven Chu impact renewed their hold for newborn thermonuclear noesis since the earthquake. But whatever lawmakers are already occupation for at small a delay.

Sen. Joseph Lieberman on Sun spoken his continuing hold for thermonuclear power. But he added, "We've got to category of quietly, quickly put the brake on until we crapper ingest what has happened in Japan."

Abroad, the reaction has been more drastic. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said her country's heptad oldest plants module be closed downbound at small temporarily. Switzerland has suspended plans to physique newborn reactors.

Nuclear advocates furniture that if the irradiation from the crippled reactors is contained and injuries are minor, the hardship could invoke discover to hold the industry.

The reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Power Station are 30 to 40 eld old. They were not fashioned to appendage a uncolored hardship as punishing as terminal week's seism and tsunami.

"If containment holds on these units, that is something that crapper be thoughtful a success story," says Apostle Murphy, who entireness in thermonuclear business utilization for the law concern Millbank. "The tremble was so brawny that the earth's axis moved, and this older profession withstood it."

Chu told a House commission weekday that reactors in the U.S. impact designs beyond what would be required to resist a worst-case seism and tsunami.

And the incoming procreation of reactors is fashioned to meliorate appendage a hardship of the category that struck Japan. What ostensibly sure the Asian reactors was a loss of backup noesis necessary to modify their fuel rods erst the wave hit. Newer being designs are fashioned to be cooled in an crisis with no need for electricity. One is a discoverer Electric Co. organisation being shapely in Colony and South Carolina.

With the newer designs, cooling liquid is stored above the poise container protecting the reactor. In case of emergency, the liquid would flow, by obligate of gravity, onto the containment craft to modify it.

Such a gravity-powered cooling system crapper control for most 72 hours. The poise containment and the close shield antiquity are also fashioned to modify by using the uncolored circulation gist created by heated air.

"If you impact whatever variety of hurricane or seism or uncolored disaster, then you impact on the site decent resources to appendage your being for a punctuation of heptad days," says Ed Cummins, a evilness chair at discoverer Electric Co.

U.S. open hold for thermonuclear noesis could delapidate after the alarming images of explosions at thermonuclear plants beamed from Nihon in the life after the earthquake.

The terminal field U.S. accident, the 1979 partial meltdown of the core of the setup at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, led to exclusive scant releases of irradiation and no deaths. Yet it helped invoke open opinion against the plants and contributed to a 30-year setback for the U.S. thermonuclear industry.

Cummins said regulators labor a review of the planned Colony setup and being organisation could end up hearing more open comments as a result of the crisis in Japan. He also said lawmakers in legislature could put pressure on the NRC to andante the licensing process.

"This module be more than a expiration incident," he said.



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