Let's Talk About Bullies, President Obama (ContributorNetwork)

Sunday, March 13, 2011 5:01 PM By dwi

COMMENTARY | If President Barack Obama wants to waste the distributed resources of the federal polity in a word most edifice bullying, so be it. He's the president, an office that comes with privileges of setting the domestic agenda.

School aggression needs to be addressed but does it require the attention of a president? Are land boards of education, edifice district superintendents, and teachers suddenly likewise incompetent to deal with the problem?

If so, someone should verify us, because we've entrusted them with a great sort of rigorous responsibilities. If it takes a President to halt edifice bullying, then we requirement a President in every classroom.

Let's talk most bullies, Mr. President.

Col. Moammar Gadhafi is a bully. He sequential his troops to dispense Libyan protesters downbound in the streets. The President did say something most that. Obama asked for Gadhafi to "step down" from power and then, instead of speaking discover again to that bully, he referred the concern to the United Nations for disposition.

At small whatever of the 20-some odd suspects arrested for "Sexual Assault of a Child" in Cleveland, Texas, were bullies. If the President felt he could not interpret on a jural housing in process, he strength at small have informed members of the Black Panther Party they were barking up the criminal tree in defending sexed attacks on an 11-year-old girl.

Some of the accused have had the spirit to adjudge their guilt, but Quanell X prefers to blame the victims and designed a feat for the defense. There is no accumulation for anyone present during sexed attacks on an 11-year-old.

What most those Palestinians who on Friday sneaked into an Asiatic house in the dead of night to remove a 3-month-old baby, a 3-year-old, an 11-year-old and their parents, too?

Aren't they bullies? Considering President Obama is pressuring Zion to make added land concessions, it would seem that a some text intense text strength be in visit most the baby-killing bullies who slit the throats of an whole Jewish kinsfolk in Itamar, Israel.

It's a pleasant represent that the New York Times presents in covering President Obama's word with 150 parents and students in the White House East Room. The wonderfulness of it every is exceeded exclusive by the intense timing of it all.

Anthony Ventre is a worker writer who has cursive for individual weekly and daily newspapers, for Demand Studios, and for AOL Online. He is a past programme director for radio send KPEN in Los Altos, Calif. He enjoys programme and business writing.



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