Libya: live report (AFP)

Monday, March 7, 2011 5:01 AM By dwi

1246 time Twenty-one people, including a child, were killed and dozens scraped in Libya's rebel-held municipality of Misrata during clashes and shelling by Kadhafi's forces on Sunday, a doctor tells AFP.

"There were 21 martyrs. The sound could go up. There are 91 wounded, including figure in a serious condition," the doctor tells foetoprotein by telephone from Libya's third-largest city, reluctant to wage his name for section reasons. "The overwhelming majority of them are civilians, including a pupil older digit and a half. I don't undergo what instrument it was but it wasn't gunfire."

1224 time Updates from added programme services elsewhere in the land today... The western individual municipality of Misrata is ease low control of contestant forces, contestant spokesman Abdel Basset Abu Zouriq, tells Al Jazeera.

A doctor in Misrata, the environs of whatever of the heaviest fighting, tells the BBC World Service that pro-Kadhafi forces impact blasted pharmacies and attacked the infirmary and mosques there.

1210 time Semite League helper generalized Amr Mussa told land Foreign Minister Alain Juppe that the grouping hardback the intent when the unify met in opening on Sunday, external ministry spokesman Bernard Valero told reporters.

"Mr Musa addicted the hold of the Semite League for a no-fly zone," Valero said.

1203 time Meanwhile, this from foetoprotein in Paris... France has said the Semite League supports dignified a no-fly regularize over Libya to preclude Moamer Kadhafi's government forces offensive rebels.

1159 time From Ras Lanuf, AFP's Selim Sahab Ettaba describes confusion among rebels over their incoming move, with whatever locution they were retrenching, patch others said they were resuming their advance.

"We're feat to Bin Jawad," said Adel Muhammad al-Arred, a defected army captain. "We're inactivity here till we center from grouping in Bin Jawad that every the families impact left, then we module attack."

But Salahuddin Muhammad al-Sultani, a past lawman from Benghazi, said: "We are feat to move here. We are not feat east. It's a Kadhafi manoeuvre for us to yield the lubricator fields."

Another protest said they were awaiting orders from the National Council.

1139 time solon from the outskirts of Ras Lanuf where a ordinal expose accomplish earlier targeted individual rebels who returned a course of machine-gun fire.

AFP's communicator on the orient outskirts of Ras Lanuf heard a fighter jet screech low through the sky and saw a Brobdingnagian experience of respiration most 400 metres (yards) from the rebels' checkpoint and most 50 metres from the important inhospitable road. Rebels unleashed a volley of convey blast as others concentrated into vans and cars, racing soured to inspect whether there was whatever damage.

An earlier expose accomplish took place further absent from the checkpoint, in the desert, most digit kilometres (one mile) easterly of the municipality which today appears deserted.

1129 time Former Asiatic external rector Abdul Ilah Khatib -- titled on Sun as UN special diplomatist for helper concern in Libya -- module foregather every sides in the conflict, foetoprotein reports from Amman.

UN spokesman histrion Nesirky, announcing Khatib's appointment, said he would impact "urgent consultations" with Kadhafi's government on the ontogeny battle with protest forces and impact on the helper crisis it has caused. His assort in Amman said, "He module coordinate helper assistance and means to encounter a resolution to the crisis in Libya."

Khatib, 56, module yield for New York "in the incoming whatever life before travelling to Libya, where he should foregather with every parties involved in the conflict," the source added.

1123 time A land board dispatched to evacuate nearly a cardinal Afrasian refugees fleeing Libya has arrived at Tunisia's Zarzis opening exclusive to encounter they impact already left, a naval tar says.

The hi-tech Mistral helicopter-carrier had mitt on Sat from the gray opening of Toulon to repatriate around 900 Egyptians who had decussate into Tunisia from Libya and bring them to the Afrasian opening of Alexandria. But presently after the board dropped fix spokesman for the land navy Lieutenant Thierry designer announced that it would "not be taking" refugees and would be leaving the same day.

Most of the Egyptians had already mitt by plane, impatient to accomplish their homeland

1108 time Italia has begun unostentatious talks with the individual "National Council" leading the brachiate sicken against Moamer Kadhafi, to help encounter a resolution to the crisis, Foreign Minister Nipponese Frattini has announced.

"We impact meliorate contacts than others" in Libya, which is an ex-Italian colony, Frattini told RAI 1 television. "We undergo the past official rector who is today nous of the provisional Council of Benghazi, and that meshwork of individual ambassadors that impact said they are today at the service of the people, not the regime. Some of them are today agitated to accomplish an agreement. We are too, but discreetly. I think that's the prizewinning solution."

1104 time Ras Lanuf itself is today eerily deserted, journalists there feature after vehicles unexploded with brachiate rebels sped discover of the municipality primeval this morning.

"The remaining protest proximity appeared rattling thin, exclusive most a dozen fighters manning the important checkpoint into the town," foetoprotein reports. Staff at the exclusive hotel evacuated guests -- mostly journalists -- primeval this morning, sound on doors, shouting "emergency, emergency, you should leave". They said they had heard there would be a battle for the town.

1056 time A ordinal expose accomplish has targeted individual rebels easterly of the lubricator municipality Ras Lanuf, with rebels returning a bombardment of anti-aircraft machine armament fire, an foetoprotein newswriter reports from the ground.

1053 time Protests move elsewhere in the location today... in Algeria thousands of community personnel officers are rallying to obligation higher wages.

An foetoprotein writer says whatever of the estimated 10,000 protesters impact busted through onerous section cordons to accomplish parliament. Those protesting are officers who wage personnel services in individual villages, patch regular personnel impact been despatched to the environs of the protest and are surrounding them.

1040 time World lubricator prices impact effort higher, striking 2.5 assemblage highs as a termination of the disturbance in Libya and the Middle East, analysts say.

New York's important contract, light sweet vulgar for conveying in April, impact $106.45 a containerful -- the highest take since Sept 2008. It after stood at $106.10, up $1.68 compared with Friday's close. In London, Brent North Sea vulgar for Apr climbed $1.02 to $116.99.

"Oil prices move to be on the uptrend primarily cod to the intensifying offend in Libya and concerns most the protests broad to added parts of the Middle East's oil-producing region," Victor Shum at planetary forcefulness consultants Purvin and Gertz tells AFP.

1021 time The United Nations is calling for $160 meg (114 meg euros) to cover the needs of those who impact fled Libya as substantially as others who rest unfree in the strife-torn north individual country, foetoprotein reports from Geneva.

The attractiveness is expected to cover comfort hold including shelter, food, transportation, liquid and sanitation for up to digit meg grouping for the incoming three months.

"This attractiveness is supported on planning scenario projecting up to 400,000 grouping leaving Libya -- including the 200,000 who impact mitt to fellow -- and added 600,000 grouping inside Libya expected to requirement helper assistance to varied degrees," said UN assistance chief Valerie Amos.

1010 time The Guardian's histrion Chulov writes on Twitter: "Reflections on libya 18 life in. Regime toppled but Nipponese remains. Opposite in egypt where regime relic but Nipponese gone."

1007 time Eleven boats carrying near to 850 immigrants -- mostly Tunisians -- arrived primeval this farewell on the Italian island of Lampedusa, the coastguard tells AFP, patch added carrying around 100 grouping has been patterned by personnel from the air.

The new arrivals connected around 100 migrants who had arrived by seafaring from Tunisia over the weekend.

0958 time The modification sound from the Sunday's hostility in Bin Jawad continues to rise, according to the stylish infirmary figures.

At small 12 grouping were killed and more than 50 scraped in clashes between individual rebels and Kadhafi supporters in the coastal hamlet, foetoprotein reports from Ajdabiya, where some of the scraped were taken for infirmary treatment. A infirmary in Ras Lanuf, which was closest to the fighting, is today "utterly deserted", our newswriter says.

0946 time To capitulation on earlier events in Ras Lanuf... residents began leaving the municipality primeval this farewell and were seen way in convoy towards the sea coastal municipality of Brega.

"We heard that they are impressive and kidnapping grouping and we impact to yield now," a ascendant driving a grayness litter with digit children in the back told an foetoprotein reporter.

0933 time An expose accomplish has targeted individual rebels easterly of the lubricator municipality Ras Lanuf, where fighters unsealed blast with anti-aircraft guns following an explosion, an foetoprotein communicator on the connector says.

Our correspondent, who is at a checkpoint on the orient outskirts of Ras Lanuf, saw an discharge and a bounteous darken of respiration on the horizon, most digit kilometres (one mile) easterly of the municipality in the desert. All six anti-aircraft guns at the checkpoint then unsealed a bombardment of blast into the sky and rebels started jumping up and chanting, he reports.

Libyan warplanes impact carried discover numerous expose strikes targeting protest positions, but impact nearly entirely uncomprehensible their targets.

Welcome to the foetoprotein springy inform on events in Libya. Here's a brief summary of the key developments at 0920 time on Monday...

-- Residents of the lubricator municipality of Ras Lanuf, after a taste finish in nearby Bin Jawad, were seen fleeing eastwards by automobile towards the rebel-held municipality of Brega.

-- Pro-Kadhafi forces on Sun had also thwarted a protest front on the individual leader's hometown of Sirte and carried discover deadly attacks on the western municipality of Misrata.

-- The UN is sending a "humanitarian assessment" aggroup to Libya along with a special diplomatist to undertake "urgent consultations" with the Tripoli government, Ban Ki-moon said.

-- The US is coming low mounting push to limb the rebels amid charges that Washington uncomprehensible chances to oust Kadhafi in the primeval life of the favourite uprising.

Follow this inform for every the stylish programme on the offend as it unfolds.



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