Obama keeps focus on fight for women's equality (AP)

Saturday, March 12, 2011 5:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON – Father of digit girls, President Barack Obama says he wants to meliorate the position of women in the United States.

Women are more probable than men to correct from college today, still earn inferior on average, grappling a greater quantity of experience in poverty and are outnumbered in grave subjects such as power and science, he said in his weekly broadcasting and online come Saturday.

"Achieving status and opportunity for women isn't meet important to me as president. It's something I tending about deeply as the ascendant of digit daughters who wants to see his girls acquire up in a world where there are no limits to what they crapper achieve," he said.

Obama noted that digit of his prototypal acts as chair was to sign governing allowing women who've been discriminated against in their salaries to hit their period in court. Obama said he was disappointed when the senate closed land on a proposal that would treat gender favouritism involving clear in the aforementioned as race, impairment and geezerhood discrimination.

The senate in Nov fell meet short of the votes necessary to overcome party contestant and advise ahead on the bill, which would attain employers establish that some disparities in wages are job-related and not sex-based.

"At a instance when folks crossways this land are struggling to attain ends meet — and many families are meet disagreeable to get by on digit cheque after a job expiration — it's a reminder that achieving coequal clear for coequal work isn't meet a women's issue," the chair said in his weekly broadcasting and online address. "It's a family issue."

He said he would not soften in conflict for the goals of that legislation. He also said women on cipher attain about 75 cents for apiece note a man earns and are more probable to fall in poverty.

Republicans and playing groups said the Paycheck Fairness Act would guy employers to more proceedings by removing limits on penal and compensatory alteration awards.

In the politico broadcasting address, Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska addressed rising forcefulness costs.

International events such as the upthrow in the Middle East and North continent change those costs, she said, but "our own imprudence and restrictions hit played a role."

She urged greater U.S. lubricator production, saying the way should be cleared for more pursuit of forcefulness resources in the Gulf of Mexico and the Rocky Mountain West. She said her home land of Alaska has estimated resources in immoderateness of 65 years' worth of Iranian Gulf imports.

Republicans also support forcefulness alternatives that would modify lubricator consumption, Murkowski said.



Obama address: www.whitehouse.gov

GOP address: www.youtube.com/gopweeklyaddress



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