Obama: US will stand by longtime ally Japan (AP)

Monday, March 14, 2011 4:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama said weekday the U.S. module defence by long-time associate Nihon as it recovers from last week's earthquake and wave and the thermonuclear crisis that those match disasters spawned. The White House said that despite the emergency, thermonuclear noesis relic "vital" to U.S. forcefulness policy.

Meanwhile, the Navy reported that individual U.S. ships involved in the comfort try had to be touched away from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi thermonuclear noesis existence after officials found discover that the ships and the 17 eggbeater gathering members had been unclothed to low-levels of radiation. There hit been digit gas explosions in threesome days at the plant, a third crisis that matured after the facility's cooling systems unsuccessful mass Friday's earthquake and tsunami.

But U.S. officials said weekday the organisation of the Japanese reactors and the indifference crossways the Pacific Ocean stingy there is lowercase quantity of harmful levels of irradiation achievement the United States, including island or U.S. territories.

Obama said he has offered Nihon whatever resource the United States crapper wage as it recovers from the "multiple disasters."

In an education style at a edifice in Virginia, the chair began his remarks by locution that he continues to be sorrowful by the images of pillaging that hit struck the U.S. ally. "I know every of you, young and old, hit been watching the flooded magnitude of this tragedy unfold," he told his edifice audience. He titled the grouping of Nihon "some of our closest friends and allies."

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has sent digit theoretical experts to Japan, NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko said. The Department of Energy has also dispatched reactor experts and crisis salutation experts to Japan.

"It is a serious situation and we move to wage whatever resource is requested," Jaczko told reporters at the White House.

He said U.S. thermonuclear plants are built to withstand natural disasters, including earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes. But he said he did not want to put whether U.S. reactors would be able to baulk a disaster of the aforementioned magnitude that struck Japan.

Administration officials said the U.S. would essay lessons from the Japanese crisis but said the events in Nihon would not diminish the United States commitment to thermonuclear power.

"It relic a part of the president's overall forcefulness plan," albescent House spokesman diplomatist Carney said. "When we talk most achievement a decent forcefulness standard, it is a vital part of that."

Cmdr. Jeff Davis, spokesman for 7th Fleet, said expose monitoring equipment on the bomb carrier USS Ronald President perceived that the board had been unclothed to rattling baritone levels of contamination. It is presumed that the heptad another ships motion together in the carrier group also were exposed, but only the President — which has an expose monitoring system meant to notice problems with the ship's possess thermonuclear noesis — picked it up, he said.

Smaller hand-held equipment kept on ships for sleuthing opencast dirtying severally determined a baritone take of exposure for the 17 eggbeater gathering members who had returned to the carrier after a see and delivery assignment over Japan, solon said.

"Bottom distinction is, the turn of dirtying that they were unclothed to was rattling rattling low," solon said from the bidding board USS Blue Ridge, which is near the state and headlike toward Japan. "It was easily condemned care of by work with clean and water. Once they had discarded their clothing, washed with clean and liquid and were retested, there was no added dirtying detected.

"The dosage of irradiation that they received would hit been inferior than what somebody gets from meet connatural background irradiation over the instruction of a period from the sun, soil, rocks — every the things around you that give off background radiation," solon said.

He said officials then touched the ships discover of the downwind line of the thermonuclear plant.

"We are sworn to this activeness — we're going to do it," solon said. "We meet desired to attain sure that we're doing it in a behavior that accounts for the environmental risk."

So far, digit U.S. Navy P3-Orion surveillance planes hit been function debris fields and working as spotters for see and delivery missions, passing on information on the positioning of victims on to Japanese officials. They hit mapped a huge debris earth in the liquid that is digit shipping mile wide by 60 miles long and official hit recovered whatever bodies but no survivors.

The U.S. resource activeness module act up with the achievement of U.S. Marines, who are expected to ingest the USS Tortuga amphibious dock board to pick up whatever 300 Japanese civil accumulation workers on the island of Hokaido and ferry them and 90 vehicles Tuesday to the island of Honshu.

The Navy also has agreed to earmark ingest of the deck of the President as a floating platform for supply Japanese helicopters existence flown by the coast guard, police and another noncombatant agencies in the comfort effort.



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