Senate sends 3-week funding bill to Obama (AP)

Thursday, March 17, 2011 3:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON – Congress authorised an additional $6 1000000000 in outlay cuts Thursday, passing governing to ready the polity running finished Apr 8 and earmark instance for talks on a large collection of reductions demanded by Republicans.

"The chair is optimistic that Congress crapper intend this done," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said in a statement.

The manoeuvre brought the total of cuts to $10 1000000000 since Republicans took curb of the House in Jan on a promise to command in the federal government. It unwooded the senate on weekday on 87-13 vote digit period after passing the House.

Administration officials have already met with top aides to House Speaker Evangelist Boehner and senate Majority Leader Harry, Reid, D-Nev. to discuss a compromise collection of cuts that would be included in a longer-term calculate resource the polity for the sextet months remaining in the budget year.

The House has passed a calculate occupation for $61 1000000000 in cuts, but it lacks sufficiency hold to transfer in the Senate, and Obama has threatened to oppose it.

It is not country what, if any, advancement has been prefabricated toward a doable compromise. The most momentous decisions aren't due to be prefabricated until lawmakers return to the Capitol after a 10-day vacation.

The $6 billion, compounded with $4 1000000000 enacted earlier, drew expressions of spirit from Republicans.

"All in all, a beatific day's work," said Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz.

While lawmakers in both parties hailed the $10 1000000000 as the largest cutback in decades, it is dwarfed in the environment of a $1.6 trillion inadequacy estimated for the underway fiscal year.

Any endeavor to revilement significantly into the red ink would have to modify beyond the husbandly programs awninged by the calculate that passed Thursday, and allow goodness programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

With a newborn three-week timetable set for negotiations, Republicans, Democrats and the White House every maneuvered for position.

"It's instance for President Obama to finally become to the plateau and move engaging in this discussion," Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., said in a statement.

But digit senate Democrat, Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, wanted to drive a political triangle between Boehner and the 87 first-term Republican lawmakers in the House, many of them hardback by repast band supporters.

"Speaker Boehner wouldn't have been healthy to transfer this short-term manoeuvre without Democratic votes, and he won't be healthy to transfer a long-term digit without Democratic votes either," he said.

"It's country that there is no line to compromise that goes finished the repast party. We propose Speaker Boehner to near ahead without them. We are ready to impact with him if he is selection to buck the extreme element of his party."

Schumer's remark was a meaning to the 54 House Republicans who anti the $6 1000000000 calculate on Wednesday. But in fact, of the first-term conservatives most often identified as repast party-backed, 66 voted for the manoeuvre and only 21 were opposed.

Boehner's duty issued a evidence locution the cuts authorised so farther "are nowhere near to what is needed; nor are they an competent unreal for a long-term calculate that cuts outlay and assets the polity finished September — governing the senate has consistently failed to pass.

"Democrats curb the senate and the White House, and they rest the eld band in Washington. Where is their plan? Who is in charge?"

Purely in nonverbal terms, the digit sides are tens of billions of dollars apart.

Beyond the cuts themselves, though, Obama has uttered forcefully against attempts by House Republicans to revilement resource that pays teacher salaries, among another priorities.

Additionally, the House-passed calculate includes numerous viands that are not direct related to budget cuts, and are anti by the White House and most Democrats. Among them are proposals to revilement every the resource necessary to compel the year-old health tending law, block federal regulations regular to verify gist on several industries, and deny every federal assets to Planned Parenthood.

Additionally, while Republicans argue that unfathomable cuts in federal outlay are necessary to help private companies create jobs, Democrats furniture that some of the cuts contained in the House-passed manoeuvre could mean layoffs for teachers and others who are on polity payrolls.

The senate voted as House Republicans were approving yet another calculate to revilement spending, this digit drafted to modify federal hold for National Public Radio.

The calculate unwooded on a advocator vote of 228-192, and the White House issued a evidence in advance criticizing the manoeuvre but fastening short of a oppose threat.

The calculate would bar the polity from resource NPR, and prohibit local open radio stations from using any of their federal assets to clear dues to the organization or acquire its programs.

The calculate faces brawny opposition in the Senate.



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