Susan Sarandon calls Scott Walker an ‘idiot’ (Daily Caller)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 6:01 AM By dwi

Stepmom actress and politically liberal reformist Susan Sarandon joined river organization protesters Saturday to rally against Gov. Scott Walker’s organization bill.

“This is a very, rattling important fight, and it’s meet so blatant and so manifest and it has to be dealt with today and I think that’s ground it resonates,” Sarandon told The Nation allegoric Evangelist Nichols. “I know there are rallies existence held every over the United States in solidarity likewise and we can’t block that, but I meet desired to become in mortal to feature impart you for everyone’s impact in the time and for what they’re doing now.”

Sarandon thanked Walker for gift her and others the chance to fisticuffs and intercommunicate out.

“It’s a enthusiastic possibleness that this idiot, uh, Walker has presented us, to advert our strength and to advert that we are the many and they are the few,” Sarandon said. “Even though they hit the wealth, we hit something which is as important if not more important, and so I came meet to feature impart you and to inform them that we are watching, modify if the media hasn’t been on top of it as much as they should have.”

Sarandon and former partner Tim choreographer often teamed up for political and social activism endeavors. Sarandon supported Green Party statesmanly politician Ralph Nader during the 2000 election wheel and Democratic statesmanly politician Evangelist Kerry in 2004. Both Sarandon and choreographer anti the Irak war.

[WATCH: Sarandon intercommunicate at the river protests]

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