Testimony doesn't match furor over terror hearing (AP)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 7:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON – Family members of two teen men who were inspired to terrorism, with deadly consequences, plan to verify legislature that the men were victims of brainwashing by immoderate elements in topical Islamic communities, according to embattled evidence obtained by The Associated Press.

The remarks are regular to be delivered as conception of the House Homeland Security Committee's chance on Islamic radicalization Thursday. Plans for the chance touched soured life of protests from critics who liken it to McCarthyism and the era of communist occultist hunts.

But at small in the embattled testimony, there's nothing that indiscriminately labels Muslims as terrorists, as critics had feared.

The chance has re-ignited a domestic debate over how to conflict a flowing of homegrown terrorism. The Obama administration has tried to inclose the debate around radicalization in general, without singling discover Muslims. Rep. Peter King, the New York politico who titled the hearing, said that's meet semipolitical correctness, since al-Qaida is the main danger to the U.S.

Melvin Bledsoe, whose son, Carlos, is live with ending an Army clannish at a recruiting station in Little Rock, Ark., is regular to declare most his son's transmutation to Islam and his separation from his family.

"Carlos was captured by grouping prizewinning described as hunters. He was manipulated and lied to," Bledsoe says in his embattled remarks.

"I hit other kinsfolk members who are Muslims, and they are modern, peaceful, accumulation permanent people," Bledsoe's remarks say.

He blames "the Islamic radicals who programmed and drilled my son Carlos to kill."

The committee is also regular to center from Abdirizak Bihi, the uncle of a teen Somali-American who was recruited by the terrorist group al-Shabab and was killed presently after backward to Somalia.

Bihi says "99.9 percent of Islamic Somali-Americans are good citizens who are rattling glad for the opportunities they hit and are rattling laboring in chasing their dweller dream."

King said Muslims should not feel threatened by the hearings.

"If there is feat to be animosity, I would blame it on my opponents," King said weekday in a nationally programme interview.

At the White House, spokesman diplomatist Carney said, "We welcome congressional involvement in this issue."

"In the United States, we don't practice guilt by association," Carney added. "We conceive Muslim-Americans are conception of the solution."

Elsewhere at the Capitol, Director of National Intelligence saint Clapper was also regular to address the danger of homegrown coercion Thursday. In his embattled remarks, Clapper says 2010 saw more plots involving homegrown Sunni extremists — those ideologically aligned with al-Qaida — than in the previous year.

"Key to this way has been the utilization of a U.S.-specific narrative that motivates individuals to violence," Clapper's remarks say.



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