WH: No military solution to problems in Bahrain (AP)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 10:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – The White House said weekday that it was increasingly concerned most reports of "provocative acts and partisan violence" in Bahrain, where a Shiite-led protest shitting has threatened the sect monarchy and worn in forces from around the Gulf.

National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said the ingest of obligate and hostility would only exacerbate the status in the tiny island nation.

"There is no expeditionary solution to the problems in Bahrain," he said. "A political solution is necessary and every sides must now impact to display a dialogue that addresses the needs of every of Bahrain's citizens."

Bahrain has been swept up in the gesture of protests that hit arisen in the Arab world since December. On Monday, a expeditionary obligate from Arabian peninsula and another Gulf nations moved into island to get up its sect Islamic rulers in the grappling of escalating Shiite-led protests.

Vietor prefabricated no meaning to the Arabian action.

The State Department is also urging U.S. citizens to refrain traveling to island due to "the possibleness for ongoing political and subject unrest."

The department also authorized the voluntary feat of eligible family members of U.S. Embassy staff, and wise another Americans currently in island to study leaving.

"While demonstrations hit not been directed toward Westerners, U.S. citizens are urged to remain alert to local section developments and to be alert regarding their personal security," the State Department said in its movement warning, upgraded from an earlier movement alert.

The U.S. also urged Americans "to refrain every demonstrations, as modify peaceful ones crapper apace embellish unruly and a foreigner could embellish a direct of vexation or worse."



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