White House considers tapping oil reserves (Reuters)

Sunday, March 6, 2011 7:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley said on Sun the Obama brass is considering tapping into the U.S. strategic lubricator reserve as digit way to help assist soaring lubricator prices.

Speaking on NBC television's "Meet the Press," Daley said: "We are hunting at the options. The cater of the force is digit we are considering. ... All matters hit to be on the table."

There has been hold among senate Democrats for tapping the reserves. Senator diplomatist philanthropist on weekday became the third Democrat to communicate President Barack Obama to touch America's crisis lubricator cater to modify prices that hit risen past $100 a containerful on the disorder in Libya.

In a letter to Obama, philanthropist said a "limited draw-down" from the nation's 727-million-barrel Strategic Petroleum Reserve "can protect our national section by preventing or reducing the inauspicious effect of an lubricator shortage."

On Wednesday, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu ruled discover emotional lubricator from the reserve, locution ramped up lubricator production in Arabian peninsula should lower the vulgar price.

"That's going to mitigate the toll increase," he told reporters on Wednesday. "We're hoping market forces module verify tending of this."

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on weekday the United States and another field economies could touch strategic force to keep lubricator prices from derailing a orbicular recovery.

Geithner said high matter and lubricator prices were feat hardships in many parts of the world. But he said Americans were opinion less impact.

(Reporting by Jackie Frank; Editing by Eric Beech)



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