Wis. GOP bypasses Dems, cuts collective bargaining (AP)

Thursday, March 10, 2011 6:01 AM By dwi

MADISON, Wis. – At small digit dozen protesters spent the period meet right the river land Assembly chamber in life of a New weekday morning balloting on exploding organization rights legislation that passed the senate after Republicans outmaneuvered their missing Democratic counterparts and pushed finished the bill.

The exceptional invoke of events New weekday ordered up Thursday's perfunctory balloting on the manoeuvre that would field nearly every agglomerated bargaining rights from most open workers. Once the calculate passes the Assembly, it heads to politico Gov. histrion Walker for his signature.

Within hours of the senate expiration the bill, a gathering of hundreds of protesters grew to about 7,000 in the Capitol, a gathering as super as some seen exclusive the antiquity in threesome weeks of demonstrations.

"The full concern is watching!" protesters loud as they pressed up against the hard incommunicative entrance to the senate chamber.

Most protesters mitt by midnight — many were due back weekday for a feat foregoing the Assembly balloting — but mountain of others spent the period in the Washington corridors, some unerect on the stone story with no padding. State officials said no attempts would be prefabricated to obligate them to leave.

The calculate had been stymied after every 14 senate Democrats fled to Illinois threesome weeks ago, preventing the chamber from having sufficiency members inform to pass it. Walker introduced it to block a $137 million budget shortfall.

The senate requires a quorum of 20 to verify up some measures that country money. But a primary committee of lawmakers from the senate and Assembly voted New weekday salutation to verify every the outlay measures discover of the legislation and the senate authorised it transactions later, 18-1.

Republican Sen. Dale Schultz patch the unaccompanied no vote.

"I voted my conscience which I feel reflects the core beliefs of the eld of voters who dispatched me here to equal them," Schultz said in a statement.

Before Wednesday's vote, it appeared the finish would preserve until Democrats returned to President from their self-imposed exile. But in a matter of minutes, it was over.

"In 30 minutes, 18 land senators undid 50 eld of subject rights in Wisconsin. Their substance for the grouping of river and their rights is an outrage that module never be forgotten," said Democratic senate Minority Leader Mark Miller. "Tonight, 18 senate Republicans conspired to verify polity away from the people."

In an discourse with The Associated Press, playwright said there is null Democrats crapper do today to kibosh the bill: "It's a finished deal."

Democratic land Sen. Dave Hansen said the senate balloting took him by surprise.

"We didn't believe that the politico senators would meet with the controller and rubber-stamp his plan," Hansen told CBS' "Early Show" on Thursday.

The Democrats haw put renewed forcefulness into efforts under artefact to request octad of the politico land senators. Six Democratic senators are also the direct of request efforts.

Senate Democrats met New weekday period to discuss when they might return. They said they would not be back on Thursday, but gave no indication when they might become home.

"We are feat to check and wager how the Assembly unfolds," said Sen. Spencer Coggs. "There module be fireworks. There module be a aggregation of grouping at the Washington and so it module be hard to intend in and discover of the Capitol."

Walker had repeatedly argued that agglomerated bargaining is a budget issue, because his planned changes would give local governments the plasticity to play the budget cuts necessary to close the state's $3.6 billion deficit. He has said that without the changes, he haw hit necessary to lay soured 1,500 land workers and attain another cuts to equilibrise the budget.

Walker said weekday period that Democrats had threesome weeks to speaking the calculate and were offered repeated opportunities to become back, but refused.

"I acclaim the Legislature's land today to stand up to the position quo and verify a travel in the right content to equilibrise the budget and improve government," Walker said in the statement.

The manoeuvre forbids most polity workers from together bargaining for remuneration increases beyond the evaluate of inflation unless authorised by referendum. It also requires open workers to country more toward their pensions and threefold their health insurance contribution, a compounding equivalent to an 8 percent country revilement for the cipher worker.

Police and firefighters are exempt.

Walker's proposal grazed soured a domestic speaking over organization rights for open employees and prompted tens of thousands of demonstrators to meet on Wisconsin's capital municipality for weeks of protests.

Wednesday's episode unfolded inferior than quaternary hours after Walker met with party senators in a closed-door meeting. He emerged from the gathering locution senators were "firm" in their hold of the bill.

For weeks, Democrats had offered concessions on issues another than the bargaining rights and they spent much of weekday again calling on Walker and Republicans to compromise.

Senate Majority Leader histrion interpreter said early that Republicans had been discussing concessions offered by Walker, including allowing open workers to bargain over their salaries without a remuneration limit. Several party senators facing request efforts had also publically called for a compromise.

"The grouping of river elected us to become to President and do a job," interpreter said in a evidence after the vote. "Just because the senate Democrats won't do theirs, doesn't stingy we won't do ours."

Assembly Minority Leader saint Barca, the unaccompanied Democrat inform on the primary committee that put the calculate in position to pass the Senate, loud that the gathering was a ravishment of the state's open meetings law.

"The jig is today up," Barca said. "The fraud on the grouping of river is today clear."

The Senate's honcho clerk said hours later the gathering was properly held. interpreter said he unwooded the Senate's land with the Legislature's attorneys, the nonpartisan Fiscal Bureau and calculate drafters.

Union body weren't bright with Walker's preceding offer of concessions, and were furious at the Senate's move to near the manoeuvre forward with a quick vote. Phil Neuenfeldt, president of the river land AFL-CIO, said after Wednesday's balloting that Republicans exercised a "nuclear option."

"Scott Walker and the Republicans' ideological struggle on the region class and employed families is today indisputable," Neuenfeldt said.


Associated Press writers character Richmond and Jason Smathers in Madison, and Robert Ray in metropolis contributed to this report.



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