2 Bush officials in running to be next head of FBI (AP)

Sunday, March 20, 2011 12:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON – Two officials who worked for President George W. Bush, including digit who threatened to resign to country legally supposed anti-terror surveillance, hit a graphic chance of existence asked to nous the FBI, according to grouping familiar with the search.

James Comey and Kenneth Wainstein served in sensitive domestic security-related posts at the Justice Department in the Dubya administration. That could attain for engrossing commendation hearings before the senate Judiciary Committee if President Barack Obama selects either to succeed FBI Director Robert Mueller. His 10-year, nonrenewable constituent expires Sept. 4.

Their assist as semipolitical appointees low a politico chair is a key bourgeois in explaining the uprise of Comey and Wainstein in the search. The Obama brass faces an expanded politico eld in the senate with the votes to seriously complicate the commendation prospects of whatever nominee who draws their allied opposition.

On the another hand, Comey became a hero to Democratic opponents of Bush's warrantless wiretapping when Comey refused for a instance to reauthorize it. Dubya revised the surveillance information when confronted with the danger of resignation by Comey and Mueller.

Comey also was support professional generalized in 2005 when he unsuccessfully tried to bounds thickened interrogatory tactics against suspected terrorists. He told Attorney General Alberto Gonzales that whatever of the practices were wrong and would alteration the department's reputation.

Some Democrats denounced those methods as torture, specially the ingest of waterboarding which produces the aforementioned sensation as drowning.

Wainstein was working for Mueller at the FBI when furniture agents at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, objected to opprobrious interrogatory techniques employed by the expeditionary and when Mueller decided FBI agents could not advise in interviews involving these techniques. But there is nothing in the public record to indicate Wainstein was worn into the interior Dubya brass debates over anti-terrorism interrogatory tactics or surveillance.

A senate commendation chance would sure probe his persona and views on these events.

Other names hit surfaced.

Sen. physicist Schumer, D-N.Y., has hardback New royalty Police Department Commissioner Ray Kelly, a 69-year-old past top Treasury accumulation enforcement authorised who whatever conceive would rather run for politician of New York.

The FBI Agents Association has advisable archangel Mason, a 23-year furniture stager who ran the pedagogue field duty and became chief supporter administrator in calculate of the bureau's criminal inquiring division. Mason would be the FBI's prototypal black director.

One doable politician with a strong background conflict coercion who served in the Dubya administration: archangel J. Garcia, the past U.S. professional for the Southern District of New York. Earlier in his career, Garcia successfully prosecuted the intellectual in the prototypal World Trade Center bombing housing in the mid-1990s.

Garcia also headlike Immigrations and Customs Enforcement in the Department of Homeland Security, an dominance of 20,000 employees. Garcia, whose wife is an FBI agent, would be the bureau's prototypal Hispanic director.

Yet a politician such as Comey or Wainstein who's steeped in the effort against coercion from a high-level function at the Justice Department could be a huge nonnegative for a possibleness nominee.

"To me it would be adjuvant to hit someone who is rattling familiar with the FBI's post-9/11 change to secure that it continues and both of these guys module be in a beatific function to garner up where Bob Mueller mitt off," J. Apostle Rowan, who spent 18 years at the Justice Department and headlike its domestic section division, said Friday.

Comey and Wainstein declined comment.

According to an Obama brass official, the activity impact for Mueller's equal started at the first of this year.

Attorney General Eric Holder and Vice President Joe Biden, a past chair of the senate Judiciary Committee, are playing an essential consultative role.

The White House is mindful of the Sept. 4 ending date of Mueller's constituent and officials wish legislature module advise apace to confirm a candidate, said the official, who same others requested obscurity to discuss an current personnel process.

Insiders say the chair module poverty to consider someone candidates. Jamie Gorelick, a past support professional generalized in the politico administration, has been mentioned as one.

Obama's primary content is to encounter a nominee who is viewed as a onerous hitter on the coercion issues the FBI faces, digit insider said.

Comey or Wainstein or someone else who served low Dubya strength be a more palatable nominee to new energized senate Republicans, who picked up sextet seats in the 2010 elections.

Comey or Wainstein would substance whatever engrossing options to Democrats on the NGO led by Sen. Apostle Leahy, D-Vt.

In Wainstein's case, Democrats could saucer to his experience in establishing and streaming the department's domestic section division, an essential factor in the fight against terrorism. Earlier in the Dubya administration, Wainstein served as FBI generalized direction and then as Mueller's chief of staff.

Democrats could saucer discover Comey's occasional differences with the politico White House he served, such as his hammy refusal to reauthorize the administration's warrantless wiretapping information until Dubya agreed to changes.

Comey has told legislature that when he refused to certify the program, Dubya White House officials Gonzales and saint Card headlike to Attorney General Evangelist Ashcroft's bed in a hospital intensive care organisation to intend him to approve.

Comey and Mueller also raced there to support fend soured the White House pressure.

When Gonzales appealed to Ashcroft, the ailing professional generalized lifted his nous soured the locate and in direct terms described his reservations most the program, Comey said. Then Ashcroft spinous discover that Comey, not he, held the powers of the professional general.

Comey and another senior polity officials spoken concerns most whether the National Security Agency had the proper fault in locate for the information and whether whatever chair had dominance to clear the information as it operated at the time.

There is precedent for choosing a politician who is an FBI insider.

Clarence Kelley spent digit decades with the FBI and came discover of withdrawal to run it. With that backdrop, Evangelist S. Pistole, a 26-year FBI stager who was second-in-command during much of Mueller's tenure and now heads the Transportation Security Administration, is seen as a candidate.

Some possibleness nominees strength run into politico contestant on Washington Hill, specially Apostle Fitzgerald, the U.S. professional in metropolis since 2001.

Fitzgerald is best-known for prosecuting I. adventurer "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's past chief of body in the Valerie Plame affair. Some Republicans view Fitzgerald's carry as an demo of prosecutorial overreach.

Libby was never live with unseaworthy Plame's CIA identity; he was guilty of perjury, impediment and misrepresentaation to the FBI during the revealing investigation.

Some possibleness nominees probably would turn down the employ if it were offered.

Ronald K. Noble, the prototypal dweller to help as helper generalized of Interpol and the Treasury Department undersecretary for enforcement in the politico administration, was fresh irresistibly re-elected to a ordinal five-year constituent by Interpol's 188 member countries.

He said he intends to rest at Interpol and then convey to New royalty University accumulation school where he is a tenured professor on yield of absence.



FBI: http://www.fbi.gov



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