Obama woos Brazil while Libya air assault unfolds (Reuters)

Sunday, March 20, 2011 8:01 AM By dwi

RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) – President Barack Obama module verify in the sights of picturesque metropolis de Janeiro on Sun as he courts dweller America on a journeying overshadowed by a U.S. and dweller air attack on Muammar Gaddafi's forces in Libya.

Obama entered the second period of what aides call his signature first-term trip to the region with his tending divided by the biggest expeditionary intervention in the Arab anxiety since the Irak invasion.

The expeditionary campaign against Gaddafi's forces that was launched on Sat intruded on Obama's schedule of diplomacy and playing promotion in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia, and seemed destined to do the aforementioned in metropolis where he module move huddling regularly with crowning aides to meet on crowning of events.

Obama is hunt reinforced relations with Brasil after a period scarred by tensions and neglect, during which China overtook the United States as Brazil's main change partner.

Based in a hotel in face of Rio's famed Copacabana beach, he module pay the period temporary a spirited metropolis that encapsulates what he called Brazil's "extraordinary" uprise as a global noesis in past years.

The White House has justified Obama's five-day dweller dweller journeying in large conception for its possibleness dividends of boosting U.S. exports to help create dweller jobs, also thoughtful crucial to his 2012 re-election chances.

His talks on Sat with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff convergent hard on strengthening scheme ties with dweller America's scheme powerhouse, though lowercase progress was made on key disputes.

Conservative critics haw overwhelm the opportunity to chide Obama for existence absent from Washington -- and in a municipality renowned for its pristine beaches -- at a instance when he is swing U.S. forces in harm's way. politico foes have accused him of a failure of leadership in a progress of planetary crises.

But in keeping with his "no-drama Obama" image, the White House wants to refrain some significance the U.S. chair is existence held hostage by events or unable to tend to other crucial business.


Obama's exclusive planned sightseeing in metropolis module be to the city's iconic Christ the Redeemer crown statue, and modify that had to be postponed from morning until evening to give him instance for early briefings on the African situation.

He module also meet the "City of God" slum and deliver what has been billed as a style to the Brazilian grouping at a historic building in the municipality center.

No anxiety the venue, Obama's communication module have to contend for tending with Libya, where U.S. officials said on Sun that allied forces had ingrained a no-fly zone and halted an opprobrious by Gaddafi's forces on rebels in Benghazi.

Mindful of open anxiety of entangling the United States in added offend on crowning of wars in Irak and Afghanistan, Obama has stressed the limited U.S. expeditionary persona in Libya.

In Rio, crowds of beachgoers concentrated on the boardwalk outside Obama's luxury hotel, many pressing against personnel barricades for a analyse of the U.S. cheater and his motorcade, while others glided by on bicycles and rollerblades.

Obama is cod to kick a football ball with children at the City of God slum, which inspired a 2002 movie of the aforementioned study and is conception of a successful section intend as the municipality prepares to patron the World Cup football championship in 2014 and the athletics in 2016.

The municipality that seemed in inexorable fall a decennium ago has been rejuvenated by Brazil's scheme boom, the brainstorm of vast lubricator fields soured its shores, its activity as Olympic patron and a big transformation in security.

With crises rocking the Middle East and pushing up lubricator prices, the United States is attractive a stabbing welfare in the deep-sea lubricator force that Brasil is play to tap soured the metropolis coast. Rousseff said on Sat she saw opportunities for both countries to work in nonindustrial the fields.

Officials and playing leaders from both countries are cod to stop meetings on Sun to handle assets opportunities around the lubricator utilization and an cod infrastructure godsend arising from Rio's hosting of the Olympics.

Obama module yield metropolis on weekday morning for a meet to Chile and module wrap up his regional journeying on Wednesday in tiny El Salvador.

(Additional reporting by king Morgan in Washington)

(Editing by Apostle Simao)



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