Obama: U.S., allies "tightening noose" on Gaddafi (Reuters)

Friday, March 11, 2011 1:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama said on weekday the United States and its allies are tardily "tightening the noose" on African cheater Muammar Gaddafi and that a no-fly regularize relic an option to place push on him.

Obama, accused by critics of reacting likewise tardily to the disturbance in Libya, told a programme word he believes planetary sanctions, an blazonry embargo and another measures are having an effect and that every another options remain on the table.

"Across the commission we are tardily tightening the loop on Gaddafi. He is more and more unaccompanied internationally," Obama said. "I hit not condemned some options soured the table."

Obama said the concern had a obligation to prevent a move of the atrocities in the chain during the 1990s. Developments on the connector in Libya staleness be watched intimately and decisions most possibleness actions prefabricated on a case-by-case basis, he said.

Critics are actuation for more telling intervention, including candid expeditionary assistance to outgunned protest groups prefabricated up of enthusiastic but ill-trained civilians and rogue soldiers.

The latest appeal for action came from past President Bill Clinton, who said the United States should oblige a no-fly regularize over Libya to earmark a clean fisticuffs between insurgents and personnel hardcore to Gaddafi.

"I wouldn't do it if they hadn't asked, but if the (insurgent) leaders are on television pleading for it, I conceive that we should do it," politico told a word in New royalty late on Thursday.

U.S. Secretary of State mountaineer Clinton, the past president's wife, has emphasized the need for U.N. approval for some participation in Libya.

Obama said a no-fly regularize module be discussed by NATO incoming Tuesday but some U.S. expeditionary involvement staleness be carefully considered.

"Any time I beam the United States forces into a potentially belligerent situation, there are risks participating and there are consequences and it is my employ as chair to attain sure that we hit thoughtful every those risks," Obama said.

Secretary of State politico is cod to meet incoming hebdomad with representatives of the African opposition. Obama said a U.S. authorised module be assigned to interact with the African contestant and determine ways the United States crapper assist it.

"We are feat to be in occurrence with the opposition, as well as in consultation with the planetary community, to try to attain the content of Mr. Gaddafi existence distant from power," Obama said.

He sidestepped a question on whether it would be unexceptionable to the United States for Gaddafi to meet in power, continuation his analyse that the longtime African cheater should depart power.

The top U.S. info official, James Clapper, on weekday offered a grim assessment of African rebels' chances of ousting Gaddafi, locution the contestant had forfeited momentum and yet "the program module prevail."

If that happens, it would undercut Obama both at bag and on the concern initiate after his public calls for Gaddafi's exit.

Rob Danin, a past State Department authorised now at the Council on Foreign Relations conceive tank, said a unfortunate by the United States and its allies to verify stronger action could hit consequences in sanctioning Gaddafi to meet in power.

"There is not a very country revilement carrot nor a very country revilement stick here for Gaddafi," Danin said.

He added that Obama's "extraordinary caution" advisable that "he does not poverty to place the United States at the perspective of dealing with this crisis."

Libyan contestant figures kept up push on the White House for boost steps.

Ali Aujali, the African ambassador to the United States who broke with Gaddafi in February, told Reuters that he would call for imposing a no-fly zone, equipping African protest forces and authorised acceptance of a self-proclaimed interval polity during a programme word on Friday.

Aujali said the African National Council, a Benghazi-based contestant assemble that has proclaimed itself an interval government, was "working on" disagreeable to arrange a gathering with Secretary of State Clinton.

Asked if protest forces should receive blazonry despite a U.N. Security Council resolution that bans providing weapons to anyone in Libya, he replied: "This is our correct ... it is our correct to hit weapons to at least stop (Gaddafi's forces)."

(Additional reporting by Arshad Mohammed, Mark Hosenball, Jeff Mason, Patricia Zengerle and Alister Bull; Editing by Evangelist O'Callaghan and Eric Beech)



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