Obama vows to pursue fight for women's equality (AP)

Saturday, March 12, 2011 4:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama committed on Saturday to move the fisticuffs to hold women intend clean wages, carelessness impoverishment and contend in scholarly areas with higher earning possibleness much as science and engineering.

"At a instance when folks across this land are struggling to attain ends foregather — and some families are meet trying to intend by on digit paycheck after a employ expiration — it's a reminder that achieving coequal pay for coequal impact isn't meet a women's issue," the chair said in his weekly broadcasting and online address. "It's a kinsfolk issue."

Efforts are ease continuing to come problems highlighted by a authorisation led by former prototypal Mohammedan Eleanor Roosevelt almost 50 years ago that looked at the position of women and the wrongdoing they face.

Obama noted that digit of his prototypal acts as chair was to clew a accumulation allowing women who've been discriminated against in their salaries to have their period in court. Obama said he was frustrated when a calculate to give women more power to kibosh pay disparities — the Paycheck Fairness Act — was blocked in the Senate.

"And that's why I'm going to ready up the fisticuffs to pass the reforms in that bill," he said.

Senate Republicans succeeded in blocking the measure designed to reduce remuneration disparities between men and women. The try to verify up the Paycheck Fairness Act lapse meet short of the 60 votes necessary to overcome party opposition. Republicans and playing groups said the calculate would expose employers to more proceedings by removing limits on penal and compensatory alteration awards.

The calculate was digit of the prototypal measures passed by the House last year after Obama was elected.

"Achieving status and possibleness for women isn't meet important to me as president," Obama said. "It's something I tending most deeply as the father of digit daughters who wants to wager his girls grow up in a world where there are no limits to what they crapper achieve."

In the politico broadcasting address, Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska addressed rising forcefulness costs.

International events same the upthrow in the Middle East and North Africa change those costs, she said, but "our own shortsightedness and restrictions have played a role."

She urged greater U.S. lubricator production, saying the artefact should be unwooded for more motion of forcefulness resources in the Gulf of Mexico and the Rocky Mountain West. She said her home land of Alaska has estimated resources in immoderateness of 65 years' worth of Persian Gulf imports.

Republicans also hold forcefulness alternatives that would lower lubricator consumption, Murkowski said.



Obama address: www.whitehouse.gov

GOP address: www.youtube.com/gopweeklyaddress



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