State Department senior official to attend conference of org accused of being advocate for Iranian theocracy (Daily Caller)

Monday, March 14, 2011 12:01 AM By dwi

The State Department is sending a grownup authorised to listen a March 15 meeting hosted by the National Iranian-American Council, which has been derided by critics as a thinly-veiled exponent for Iran’s Islamic theocracy.

Suzanne Nossel, the deputy assistant helper of land for international organizations is slated to intercommunicate at the event, titled “Answering the Persian People’s disposition for Human Rights,” which module be held in the Dirksen Senate Office Building.

The conference’s theme matches NIAC’s strategy of promoting overmodest ism measures in Persia as an deciding to policies witting to vanish the theocratic government. “The housing for struggle [against the Persian theocracy] is already existence pushed by the ‘pro-war’ elements on the Hill…. We crapper either rest stilly and permit them impact their illusion OR we crapper encourage the deciding to struggle by emphasizing the grandness of and requirement for manlike rights,” reads a March 7 e-mail sent by Nobar Elmi, who connected NIAC in Oct 2010 as the director of accord outreach and programming.

In practice, she wrote, “we’re taking steps to secure manlike rights is on the table, by doing things much as working to secure there is an autarkical U.N. manlike rights monitor and hortative the dialogue.” Elmi’s e-mail was cursive to saint Khan Zendran, a Rhode Island blogger who argued that NIAC’s focus on ism strength goad stronger state against the Persian government.

Other speakers at the circumstance allow Minnesota Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison, the co-chair of the House Progressive Caucus. He is an original sponsor of NIAC-backed “Stand with Persian People Act,” which would impose overmodest sanctions on companies that sell domestic-security equipment to Iran, but also assist impact by U.S.-based non-profits in Iran.

NIAC’s originator and head, Trita Parsi, declined to interpret after he was alerted most The Daily Caller’s inquiries by an authority official.

The State Department official, Nossel, module listen the conference “to exposit our effort to constitute a special rapporteur on Iran,” said an authority official. If approved, the rapporteur would analyse the information of human-rights in Persia and beam a inform backwards to the U.N., the authorised said.

To intend the rapporteur appointed, the U.S. module hit to win a balloting on the 47-member Human Rights Council. The council’s members today allow China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, peninsula and Bahrain, every of which are probable to oppose any much appointment. Libya was previously acknowledged as a member, but its body is today suspended.

When asked if Nossel’s attending at the NIAC circumstance would communication a willingness to cooperate with the Persian government, the authority authorised declared ignorance most NIAC. “I’m not at every familiar with the council … [and] I’m not in a function to tell whether this is or is not a front-group for the Persian government,” he said, adding that a  assemble fronting for Iran’s polity would not probable host a meeting that is grave of that government.

The brass is disagreeable to prominence human-rights questions in Iran, not to declare espousal of the government’s policies, he said. “We’re feat there to tell [NIAC] how we are hunting at Iran’s human-rights achievement as unacceptable.”

NIAC’s critics feature the assemble has advocated against stringent scheme sanctions on the Persian polity and the country, and has only partway relaxed its opposition after Western audiences saw footage of the Persian government’s security forces actuation at pro-democracy protesters in June 2009. The critics also point to a super abstraction of NIAC’s e-mails which were free during a lawsuit with a NIAC critic. The e-mails show NIAC officials in near contact with Iran’s then-current ambassador, the critics say.

NIAC’s supporters feature the methodicalness is not a front-group. “From what I’ve seen, [NIAC’s Parsi] has got his own views most what the U.S. and Persian governments should be participating in, but I’ve seen no evidence that he’s a face for the Persian regime,” said Matt Duss, a national-security application for the left-leaning Center for dweller Progress. “If he’s a face for the Persian regime, holding events most human-rights abuses seems to be a fantastic artefact to do it,” said Duss, who was asked by a NIAC authorised to speech with TheDC most the nonindustrial article.

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