First Person: Tea Party Rally in Effington, Ill. (ContributorNetwork)

Saturday, April 16, 2011 11:01 AM By dwi

Having found myself close to the repast party's views for more than digit eld now, I definite to listen my first repast party. Living 15 transactions absent from Effington Ill., I definite to go to the Effingham Tea Party rally. It was right the Old Effingham County Courthouse that hundreds of lawful people, young and old, chanted their slogans of anti-government and anti deficit.

The grouping seemed displeased with the underway White House and Congress, but they were not vicious toward those they challenged. Some held creative and witty signs high into the air, but there was the irregular clew that was specially harsh.

The event had a whatever speakers, one existence cristal Andrzejewski, who ran in the politico primary for controller of Illinois. Another utterer was radio patron Dan Proft of WLS 890AM. I didn't rattling pay tending to the speakers; I was more convergent on the people. On the full they had good ideas. Limited government, business responsibility and an open, open legislature were the bounteous principles of the movement. The unplanned conversations among the protesters astonished me. They were every unified by ideas and thoughts in helping our land get backwards on track.

After the feat had ended, the flick "Atlas Shrugged" was played at a nearby community square mall. Many of the repast band protesters went to go wager the film, but I did not. I was collecting my thoughts most the rally. I did not rattling savor it, but at the aforementioned time, I did not dislike the full intent around it. I had talked with individual grouping and had whatever interesting discussions.

I was fascinated by the fact that there are less repast band rallies apiece year. Is the shitting losing its attraction? Perhaps, but grouping are still present these rallies. Many can find themselves lining up with the repast party's views, but I do not concord with everything they say. Still, I acclaim their need and selection in politics. Seeing lawful citizens devoted to modify in polity prefabricated me rethink whatever of my own views.

This repast band feat somewhat met my expectations. I was expected a lot more deciding calculate ideas and solutions toward the problems of our country, and instead I was in the region of a bunch of protesters. I think that if the repast band shitting wants to thrive it needs to care itself and put a lone person into the spotlight as, perhaps not their leader, but a spokesman.



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