Obama re-election launches with e-mail, website (AP)

Monday, April 4, 2011 4:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama formally launched his re-election crusade Monday, urging grass-roots supporters central to his prototypal White House run to mobilize again to protect the modify he's brought over the past two years.

The authorised move of his second White House effort comes 20 months before the Nov 2012 election.

"We've always known that lasting modify wouldn't come apace or easily. It never does," the Democrat said in an e-mail to supporters announcing his candidacy. "But as my administration and folks crossways the country fight to protect the advancement we've prefabricated — and attain more — we also requirement to begin mobilizing for 2012, daylong before the time comes for me to begin candidature in earnest."

He told them he was filing the needed paperwork with the agent Election Commission, and directed them to his newborn crusade website where a move video featured clips from supporters conversation most their continuing championship of the Democrat.

"I don't concord with Obama on everything but I attitude him and I consortium him," Ed from North Carolina says, delivering what's destined to embellish a key part of the president's pitch as he tries to re-energize liberals who hit criticized whatever of his policies and independents who hit fled from him in his prototypal term.

Obama's announcement comes just weeks after the man in honcho directed U.S. expeditionary dealings to a ordinal field warfront, Libya, and days after the post-recession frugalness showed more signs of a recuperate with a inform that the ease high unemployment rate had fallen to 8.8 percent.

Widely expected, the procedural step of launching a crusade was designed to coincide with the second fundraising lodge of the year. Filing paperwork module earmark the president to begin upbringing money in serious for what advisers hope module be a record-breaking haul of more than $1 billion for his campaign, which is supported in Chicago. That begins this month; he's slated to visit field money venues of Chicago, New York and Los Angeles in the coming weeks.

Obama faces no direct challenger.

On the other side, the vie for the party statesmanly oratory is just effort low way; more than a dozen Republicans are considering seeking the chance to contest Obama in the incoming election. Only a some hit taken the initial steps toward a candidacy, though individual more are due to this month. It's a panoramic open vie with no clear front-runner.

Nevertheless, Obama said he's not attractive anything for granted.

"We're doing this today because the politics we believe in does not move with expensive TV ads or extravaganzas, but with you — with grouping organizing block-by-block, conversation to neighbors, co-workers, and friends. And that kind of crusade takes time to build," he said in the e-mail.

"So modify though I'm focused on the employ you elected me to do, and the vie may not reach flooded pace for a assemblage or more, the work of birthing the groundwork for our crusade staleness move today," Obama added. He directed them to the newborn red, white and chromatic website for what he said was "a crusade that's farther-reaching, more focused, and more original than anything we've shapely before."

The website features Obama's newborn crusade trademark — 2012 with the rising solarise in the background, a edition of his 2008 crusade trademark — and announces that the crusade is move off.

"We're inaugural up offices, unpacking boxes, and starting a conversation with supporters same you to help appearance our line to victory, and this is where you feature you're in," it says, urging grouping to care and donate.

The video is a icon of testimonials from a demographically different group of backers who impart to stay involved in this campaign.

"It needs to emit the changes that we've seen in the last two-and-a-half years," says Katherine from Colorado. "Then we had an underdog senator. Nobody thought that he had a chance. And today he's the president."

Gladys from Nevada adds: "We're not leaving it up to chance" and "It's an election that we hit to win."


Online: www.barackobama.com



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