Factbox: Obama Administration is Vague on Immigration (ContributorNetwork)

Sunday, April 3, 2011 12:01 PM By dwi

As President Barack Obama stands poised to announce his candidacy for a second constituent in office, the administration's road record on migration is a mixed bag. Likely to draw fire from the right and left, what just happened during the president's prototypal term?

* No broad migration reform. President Obama breaks his campaign prospect to introduce an migration calculate during his prototypal assemblage in office. PolitiFact quotes President Obama as saying in 2008, "I cannot indorse that it is feat to be in the prototypal 100 days. But what I can indorse is that we module hit in the prototypal assemblage an migration calculate that I strongly support."

* Urges migration reform. The president did not mince text in July 2010 when he identified 11 million banned aliens as existence the termination of decades-long abut enforcement and visa chase mistakes and problems. He noted that this dominate accord is unfairly placing dweller workers at a separate while making "a mimicry of every those who are feat finished the process of immigrating legally." The president sees a workable resolution as rigorous a conjunctive action between Homeland Security, businesses and residents.

* DREAM Act fails. The brass expressed its disappointment at the failure of the DREAM Act. A surprising dissatisfaction in Dec 2010, President Obama went on record that he is disappointed but module rest persistent. It is blurred what he intends to preserve in.

* Virtual abut fence scrapped. In the works since the Secure Fence Act of 2006 and after costing roughly $1 billion, President Obama officially ended the program in Jan 2011.

* Deportations increase. TRAC showcases that deportations under President Obama -- when compared to 2005 accumulation -- hit increased by 97 percent. When compared to the Dubya Administration, this amount is higher by 10 percent.

* Democrats criticize deportations. At the hunch of the stylish oppose is the rise in deportations. The Providence Journal chronicles the town hall gathering that Illinois-based U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez set up. His content is clear: scenery the hardships that deportations are placing on families within America's borders. The leader has an out for the Administration: earmark banned immigrants with American-born children to go finished a scenery analyse and rest in the country.

* Unions condemn I-9 audits. Politico reveals that SEIU organization leaders hit seen the losses of jobs among its membership. Due in conception to existence engaged illegally, the Obama administration's pore on verifying I-9 forms -- and then requiring employers to go backwards to their workers with intense results -- is not sitting substantially with the group. Claiming that "with apiece I-9 audit, the government is systematically actuation hardworking people into the subsurface economy where they grappling exploitation," the Minnesota Local 26 defines the policy as "lip service."

Sylvia Cochran offers an insider's appearance of the dweller migration system. Having gone finished the steps of becoming a citizen -- and currently experience in a abut state -- she brings hands-on information with hot-button issues to the table.



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