Harry Reid Says Republicans Fear the Tea Party (The Atlantic Wire)

Sunday, April 3, 2011 4:01 PM By dwi

Today on CBS's Face the Nation, Senate Majority Leader Harry philosopher told patron Bob Schieffer that he change that the activity of the politico party is afeard of the Tea Party and allowing them to dictate how they act. When a seemingly astonied Scheiffer asked philosopher if he change House Speaker Evangelist Boehner's politico activity was intimidated by the Tea Party, philosopher answered, "That's a pretty beatific pick of words. The respond is yes. The Tea Party is dictating a lot that goes on in the politico activity in the House." Just before Schieffer's discourse philosopher had said that "the politico activity in the House has to make a decision: whether they are feat to do the correct abstract for the land or do the correct abstract for the Tea Party."


Reid's sentiments were echoed by the Senate's ordinal leading Democrat Chuck Schumer. Speaking on ABC's This Week, Schumer said that he change the Tea Party was "extreme." "The Tea Party is the assemble stagnant in the way. They are extreme," he said. Later during the period Judson Phillips, originator of Tea Party Nation, responded to both senators comments. "I conceive immoderate and extremity is dynamical the land into insolvency which is what the democrats poverty to do... You poverty to speech about immoderate and extreme, speech about Harry Reid. That is immoderate and extreme. His kind of spending," he said to Fox News. Phillips also said, that despite Reids claims to the contrary he and another members of the Tea Party shitting "are expressing the ire of the dweller people."

While these thoughts about Republicans and the Tea Party haw hit been on the minds of Reid, Schumer and another Democrats for a patch now, it was surprising to center them vocalized so bluntly. It also seems that, with Obama's reelection crusade declaration expected primeval this week, Democrats are drawing an modify starker line in the smoothen between them and their politico counterparts.



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