Boehner wants to pass spending cuts with GOP alone (AP)

Sunday, April 3, 2011 4:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – Sometimes in persuasion and legislation, whether you get is inferior essential than how you win.

That's the perplexity covering House Speaker John Boehner as he tries to round up the votes to pass a fast-approaching outlay compromise and turn a coloured polity shutdown by week's end.

Boehner, R-Ohio, wants the overwhelming eld of those votes to become from his man Republicans, modify if dozens of easily possible Democratic votes could support circularize the budget bill to victory.

The content complicates Boehner's task, and mayhap could push the bill far to the right. It motivates him to battle for the votes of conservative Republicans who are demanding deeper outlay cuts, and greater changes to social issues much as abortion access, than the Democratic-controlled senate and President Barack Obama feature they can accept.

If Boehner can argue convincingly that it's the exclusive route to House passage, Democrats conceivably could consent on whatever points they strength otherwise win. At the aforementioned time, however, Boehner is trying to work Republicans that whatever compromise is inevitable.

"We curb one-half of one-third of the government," he said terminal week. "We can't bill our module on the Senate."

Eventually, both parties staleness end where to entertainer the distinction in negotiations and whether to risk a polity shutdown that could trigger unpredictable political fallout.

Some congressional veterans feature Boehner is taking the exclusive realistic move for a speaker who wants to meet in power. If he cuts a care that relies hard on Democrats' votes, he could alienate scores of House Republicans, who strength in turn start seeking a new leader.

Members of both parties feature Boehner probably could join 218 votes easily, if he didn't care who patch them.



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