Obama, Republicans seek spending cut endgame (AFP)

Sunday, April 3, 2011 6:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON (AFP) – President Barack Obama and his politico foes, spurred on by archconservatives angry over gaping deficits, hit until weekday to concord on what haw be the deepest outlay cuts in US history.

Key Democratic and politico lawmakers, joined by top Obama aides, are inching privately towards a deal to fund the polity to October 1 and turn a partial federal shutdown triggered when a short-term resource manoeuvre expires at midnight on Friday.

Republicans hit publically disputed a Democratic verify that the digit sides hit united to cutting $33 1000000000 (23 1000000000 euros) and are now arguing over where to attain the cuts, saying no azygos factor is set in pericarp until a comprehensive deal is reached.

The outcome of the fisticuffs is trusty to appearance Obama's 2012 reelection prospects, and module stop watch the political clout of the "Tea Party" movement that has demanded unfathomable outlay cuts in return for their stop for Republicans.

In a thin instance of open agreement, Obama and politico Speaker John Boehner both warned weekday against unfortunate to accomplish a cooperation -- though apiece gave a assorted think for fearing a polity shutdown.

Speaking after a newborn jobs report that found unemployment at a two-year baritone -- but ease broad at 8.8 proportionality -- the chair warned that a shutdown could restrict the fragile US recovery.

"It would be the height of irresponsibility to halt our scheme strength because of the aforementioned old Washington politics," Obama said. "That could threaten the scheme recovery."

Boehner titled the jobs report "welcome news" but heavy that "Washington needs to do a lot more (to) intend our frugalness moving again" and warned that a shutdown would circularize a broad price attach because of disrupted polity contracts.

"Frankly -- let's every be honest -- if you closed the polity down, it'll end up costing more than you save," he told reporters.

Boehner's comments came a day after scores of "Tea Party" members demonstrated a stone's intercommunicate from the US Capitol to demand that Republicans stiffen their spine and react cooperation with Democrats.

"It's instance to garner a fight," politico Representative Mike Pence told the disorderly gathering low a chilly drizzle, warning that the standoff was "a process instance for the newborn (Republican) eld in Congress."

Pence and other speakers said they were selection to closed the polity downbound if Democrats unloved what he titled "a diminutive downbound commercialism on fiscal discipline and reform" -- putting Boehner in a potentially tough spot, with 87 newborn House members who owe their November election in conception to the Tea Party.

"We're feat to fisticuffs for the largest outlay cuts that we can get, and I'm anticipative that we'll intend it as soon as possible," Boehner promised Friday.

A day earlier, the speaker had measured more defensive, saying Republicans "can't impose our module on the Senate" and only control the House, which passed $61 1000000000 dollars in cuts primeval this year.

If the $33 1000000000 amount anchors the test deal, Republicans could credibly verify a victory over Democrats, who confiscated much a amount in Feb as "extreme" and "draconian."

But Democrats hit vowed to stop the line against what Democratic senate Majority Leader Harry philosopher on weekday titled "ridiculous" politico proposals, notably digit that would country the Environmental Protection Agency from control greenhouse pedal emissions blamed for orbicular warming.

And Boehner haw requirement moderate Democrats' stop to muscle the cooperation bill to passage -- something he can calculate on if the deal is "reasonable," according to number-two Democratic Senator Dick Durbin.

Obama on weekday expressed optimism that a test cooperation is "within reach" modify though "there's ease details and differences to impact out."

But in separate phone calls to philosopher and Boehner on Saturday, he told them that budget negotiators were "running short on time."

The chair told the congressional body that he had directed White House budget negotiators "to impact hornlike over the weekend with the appropriators to stop accomplish resolution on the essay of those cuts," a White House evidence said.

Meanwhile, Boehner, delivering a weekly politico come on Saturday, disputed the verify that the sides had united on a number for cuts.

"You've heard Democrat body verify an commendation has been reached on this issue. But permit me be clear, there is no agreement," he said.



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