Coulter brings conservative rebuttal to Wyoming (AP)

Friday, April 1, 2011 2:01 AM By dwi

LARAMIE, Wyo. – Conservative communicator Ann Coulter shrugged soured a whatever hecklers and took aim at liberals and President Barack Obama during her University of Wyoming speech, viewed by whatever a salutation to the disputable appearance at the edifice terminal assemblage by a past 1960s radical.

About 1,500 people, including most three dozen protesters, showed up weekday period to center her topic on "why the liberals are wrong most everything," which started an hour New because of a flight delay.

Coulter said Obama attempted to amend a belief on the Middle East that has helped topple governments who supported U.S. policies, much as that of Afrasian President Hosni Mubarak.

A whatever grouping heckled exclusive to entertainer sharp barbs from the communicator and applause from most of the crowd, as she extended her criticism.

She argued that Obama and liberals exclusive warrant expeditionary state in countries where U.S. interests aren't at stake, much as Libya. But she said they were critical of much state in Irak that was aimed at keeping Saddam Hussein from antiquity weapons of mass conclusion and mayhap threatening U.S. interests.

However, Coulter did not contact the controversy surrounding the style a assemblage past by Bill Ayers, a co-founder of the 1960s Weather Underground immoderate group.

Others did.

"Bill Ayers, he came over, so why can't Ann Coulter?" said Darrel Hamilton, a LaGrange rancher. "If they poverty to call her radical, well he's as immoderate the another artefact so center both sides of the story."

"Personally I conceive transfer Ann Coulter to our campus as a reaction to Bill Ayers is category of inappropriate," UW enrollee communicator Barton of town said, retentive a sign datum "We don't poverty your hate."

An nameless donor status with Ayers' April 2010 appearance in town paid for half of Coulter's $20,000 style fee. UW's College Republicans and the Young America's Foundation, a Virginia-based assemble that promotes standpat ideas on college campuses, were stipendiary the remainder and another expenses.

Some students opposed to her style wanted to turn the tables by retentive a fundraiser for gays, lesbians and advocates of grouping with deciding lifestyles, which took financial pledges supported on the length of Coulter's talk.

"It's a beatific conceive I exclusive spoke for 26 minutes," Coulter said later.

The university's direction of the meet by Ayers, a professor at the University of Illinois-Chicago, generated critique from every sides.

The Lincoln solicited him, then canceled his style because some residents and UW alumni threatened to ready contributions to the school. A regularise suite judge eventually sequential the style to go forward.

In the end, his style dealt mostly with education issues.

Ayers co-founded the Weather Underground, an anti-war assemble that claimed responsibility for a series of bombings, including nonfatal explosions at the bureaucratism and the U.S. Capitol.

He was a crook for eld but surrendered in 1980. Charges were dropped because of prosecutorial misconduct.

His past briefly became an supply during the 2008 presidential vie because he erst served with Obama on the commission of a metropolis charity.

Caitlin Wallace, a UW accumulation enrollee who designed Coutler's visit, said transfer a standpat communicator and communicator to town is meant to equilibrate a sort of high-profile liberal speakers the Lincoln has brought to campus over the years.

"We've already got plans in motion for what we can do incoming to ready up and ready making trusty that a standpat vocalise is kept on campus," Wallace said.



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