Gaddafi forces shell town after he accepts peace plan (Reuters)

Monday, April 11, 2011 6:01 AM By dwi

BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) – Forces hardcore to Muammar Gaddafi shelled the besieged municipality of Misrata on weekday after the individual Union said he had acknowledged a organisation to modify Libya's civil war.

Al Jazeera broadcasting quoted a protest spokesman as locution five grouping died and 20 were wounded in Misrata, a unaccompanied protest bastion in Hesperian Libya, which has been low blockade for more than six weeks.

Rebels in Misrata told Reuters Gaddafi's forces fired Russian-made Grad rockets into the city, where conditions for civilians are said to be desperate.

The insurgents said they would accept no organisation that allowed Gaddafi to meet in noesis and embattled to face on the orient face after repelling a field polity attack on Sun against their municipality of Ajdabiyah.

Prospects for a ceasefire looked remote.

South individual President biochemist Zuma, head of an AU pact mission, said primeval on weekday that Gaddafi had acknowledged a pact "road map", including a ceasefire, after talks in Tripoli.

A spokesman in the protest top of metropolis said the opposition would countenance at the organisation but Gaddafi staleness modify his 41-year rule.

"The individual grouping hit prefabricated it rattling clear that Gaddafi staleness step down, but we module consider the offering once we hit more details, and respond," spokesman Mustafa Gheriani told Reuters.

individual officials hit repeatedly said that Gaddafi, who holds no authorised state position, module not quit.

The AU deputation went to metropolis to present with protest body on weekday and was met by more than 2,000 demonstrators holding banners reading: "African Union verify Gaddafi with you" and "Gaddafi has sworn genocide".


Officials from NATO, which is bombing individual polity armour low a United Nations mandate to protect civilians, said they took state of the AU offering but the alliance would move dealings while civilians were at risk.

"It does not materialize that this communication of a pact deal has whatever center at this point," said digit NATO authorised in reference to the shelling of Misrata.

The individual Union does not hit a beatific road record in brokering pact deals, having unsuccessful fresh to modify offend or disputes in Somalia, island and Ivory Coast.

"The issue of Gaddafi stepping down from whatever semipolitical function is a winking issue ... Muammar Gaddafi does not stop a function of power," Abdel Monem al-Lamoushi, a polity spokesman, told Al Arabiya television.

"No digit has the right to beam Muammar Gaddafi into banishment discover of the realty of his forefathers. This man module not leave Libya."

At the face right the orient protest municipality of Ajdabiyah, rebels belowground the charred bodies of Gaddafi personnel killed in expose strikes and said they had been ordered to move until noon to face because newborn NATO bombing was expected.

Gheriani expressed assail that Zuma did not movement to metropolis with the four other individual heads of state. Zuma said he had imperative playing elsewhere.

NATO, which has denounced attacks by Libya's forces on noncombatant areas, said only that it took state of the AU proposal.

The alliance stepped up attacks on Gaddafi's armour over the weekend, destroying 25 tanks around Misrata and Ajdabiyah.


An individual Union statement after the Tripoli talks prefabricated no mention of Gaddafi's future. Asked if the issue of him stepping aside was discussed, Ramtane Lamamra, AU Commissioner for Peace and Security, told reporters: "There was whatever discussion."

However he added: "I cannot inform on private discussions because prototypal of every I was not conception of them."

The AU offering included an unmediated cessation of hostilities, effective monitoring of the ceasefire, the delivery of helper aid and the endorsement of foreigners.

Asked if he feared rebels might react the plan, Lamamra said: "We believe what we hit planned is broad sufficiency to launch negotiations ... What we need is for them to accept that we are grouping of beatific will."

The rebels hit previously unloved a negotiated outcome to what has embellish the bloodiest in a program of pro-democracy revolts across the Semite world that hit ousted the dominating body of Tunisia and Egypt.

NATO said it had increased the pacing of its expose dealings over the weekend, after rebels accused it of responding too slowly to polity attacks.

The NATO attacks right Ajdabiyah on Sun helped break the biggest attack by Gaddafi's forces on the orient face for at least a week. The municipality is the gateway to the protest stronghold of metropolis 150 km (90 miles) northerly up the sea coast.

On weekday rebels were putting burned and mangled bodies into blankets by coloured polity vehicles right Ajdabiyah and dragging them into the desert for burial.

"We hit been healthy to face because of the expose strikes," said protest Belgassim El-Awami. It was not clear how farther westerly the rebels had moved along a face which has swung backwards and forth for more than a hebdomad in a fight for the oil opening of Brega.

(Additional reporting by Alex Dziadosz in Ajdabiyah, Mariam Karouny in Beirut, Richard Lough in Rabat, Christian Lowe in Algiers, Foo Yun Chee in Brussels and Karolina Tagaris in London; composition by Barry Moody; redaction by Giles Elgood)



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