House Republican freshmen perform well in first quarter fundraising (Daily Caller)

Friday, April 15, 2011 2:01 PM By dwi

According to first lodge 2011 fundraising reports to the agent Election Commission, individual House politico freshmen hit been taking in momentous crusade donations.

The New York Times reports that the figures, which hit still to be finalized, exhibit brawny fundraising for Reps. king Denali of West Virginia, Allen West of Florida, Kristi Noem of South Dakota, Steve Stivers of Ohio, and Pat Meehan of Pennsylvania.

McKinley, who unseated longtime Democratic Rep. Alan Mollohan in 2010, upraised $536,654. West, who has been mentioned as a doable 2012 evilness presidential politician after rocketing to domestic honour as a striking Tea Party proponent, upraised $433,551.

Stivers upraised $403,597, Noem took in $391,700 and Meehan conventional $334,030 in donations.

Of the crowning fundraisers, West is distinguished for having already spent such of what he raised. The Times notes that the super fundraising sums for politico freshman are momentous as every won in competitive districts.

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