Like GOP, Obama taking aim at Iowa, NH, Nevada (AP)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 6:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON – Even without a Democratic challenger, President Barack Obama is planning an battleful persona in primeval direct states. His operatives are already agitated in, organizing volunteers and upbringing money to answer politico attacks and do what they crapper to weaken the GOP's strongest challengers.

With the election 19 months away, Obama's crusade could keep a baritone profile patch Republicans hit apiece other. But he won't be noesis to check passively as his possibleness rivals duke it out.

Three of the earliest-voting states — Iowa, New county and Nevada — module also be strongly oppose in the fall of 2012. Likely politico candidates already are assailing Obama there, and his aides feature they can't wait months to respond.

"Issues are feat to be joined there, statements are feat to be made, points are feat to be raised," top Obama authority David Axelrod said in an interview. "It behooves us to make trusty that facts are substantially represented."

"One can't be passive here," Axelrod said.

Democratic insiders feature there's another reason for Obama's aggroup to vow in primeval direct states, including South Carolina, which the chair has little quantity of success in the generalized election: By strategically stirring the pot, his backers haw manage to counteract those Republicans seen as most probable to give him a thickened fisticuffs incoming year.

Democrats state that senate Majority Leader Harry philosopher of Nevada drew a relatively anaemic politico competition terminal year, Sharron Angle, after his methodicalness ran a virtual crusade against Sue Lowden, who was considered the stronger band contender. Angle beat Lowden in the politico primary, then forfeited narrowly to Reid.

The chair haw hit to be more impalpable than that, but autarkical groups not adjoining to his crusade won't hit to.

Democratic officials feature the Obama crusade efforts are extraordinary, especially so primeval and for a chair with no band challenger. The strategy reflects Democrats' belief that Obama crapper again improve Brobdingnagian sums of money, gift his operatives the wealth of play today and competing, somewhat naughtily perhaps, in states where the prominence ordinarily would fall on Republicans alone.

Indeed, Obama and his aides already hit condemned potshots at potentially brawny challengers, extolling them in structure probable to displease advocator Republicans. The president, with a twinkle in his eye, likes to verify voters that past Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman served the brass commendable as U.S. diplomatist to China.

And White House aides frequently advert past Colony Gov. Mitt Romney as an inspiration for Obama's past upbeat tending overhaul, which whatever politico activists detest. That's hardly recognize approval for Romney, who already staleness often indorse his Colony plan. It ranks among the maximal hurdling he module grappling for the band nomination.

Democratic National Committee officials pass that they fresh urged Colony to near its Democratic and politico primaries, today regular for March 6, to a after date. Republicans feature Democrats want to hurt Romney by letting less friendly, more standpat states impact the direct season's primeval stages. Colony officials hit shown little welfare in the DNC request.

Meanwhile, possibleness politico statesmanly contenders hit evidenced Axelrod's saucer most attacks by repeatedly criticizing Obama in Iowa, where the band caucus is tentatively ordered for Feb. 6, and in New Hampshire, whose direct comes eight life later.

"The ultimate arrogance, in my opinion, is Obama-care," Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., fresh told a Des Moines crowd.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, another doable band statesmanly candidate, ripped Obama's foreign policies at a New county stop. He said that for now, at least, every the politico contenders should pore on Obama, not apiece other. Each instance a communicator solicited him to criticize Romney's upbeat tending record, Gingrich replied calmly, "You'll hit to ask Governor Romney most that."

Since his 2008 election, Obama has kept at diminutive one paying semipolitical employee in every state on the Democratic Party's payroll. Soon, those offices module expand dramatically in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and a some another primeval voting states. The Obama crusade module clear whatever workers, and state Democratic parties module clear others.

The first task, crusade advisers say, is to ingest phones, email and ethnic media to occurrence every voters who spoken support for Obama in 2008 and get them to dedication "I'm in" for 2012. Then the crusade module enlist and condition volunteers who, in turn, module follower discover to neighborhoods, offices and another locations to propose the president's re-election, the advisers say.

In his low-key e-mail announcement Monday, Obama said the re-election crusade begins "with you — with grouping organizing block-by-block, conversation to neighbors, co-workers, and friends. And that category of crusade takes instance to build."

Jackie Norris, Obama's Chiwere administrator in 2008, said only a some details for the newborn crusade are in place. She said it module move with "re-engaging the activists for the crusade ahead," and module allow "a momentous fundraising goal."

"Everyone module be asked to give," author said, "in bounteous or diminutive amounts." She said the crusade has learned "to love the $5 donors and ingest that as a artefact to equip them in the crusade modify further."

Independent groups, which are not supposed to number with the official campaign, module rain resources into the primeval voting states, too. They hit a freer assistance to move politico candidates patch Obama stays absent and remains presidential.

One field newborn right assemble module be headlike by past White House aides Bill Burton and Sean Sweeney, who are courting deep-pocket donors.

Obama's backers feature it module be hornlike to flex the 2008 campaign's fervour and energy, when "change" and "hope" were the mottos.

But Chiwere fag reformist Danny Homan said anti-union legislative fights in Wisconsin, river and another Midwestern states module support motivate the Democrats' base.

"I don't conceive grouping are feat to hit a hornlike instance effort energized," said Homan, adding that he's eager to work with Obama's team. "This election is feat to be most whether there is feat to be a region collection in this country."



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