Obama kicks off 2012 re-election campaign (Reuters)

Monday, April 4, 2011 8:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama launched his effort for re-election in 2012 on Monday, capitalizing on better news on the frugalness and actuation aweigh of Republicans who are struggling to encounter a candidate.

Obama, a Democrat who won a comprehensive conclusion over politico Senator John McCain in 2008 with a communication of change, said in a low-key telecommunicate to supporters that he was filing writing to move his re-election effort in a conventional way.

"So modify though I'm convergent on the job you elected me to do, and the vie may not accomplish flooded pace for a assemblage or more, the impact of birthing the foundation for our crusade staleness move today," he said in the email.

He said he necessary to begin mobilizing for his re-election modify though it is not still time for him to begin "campaigning in earnest."

Obama has the luxury of ramping up his crusade slowly, in part because the field of Republicans who module vie to contest him has still to verify shape. The Obama crusade is due to raise an unexampled $1 billion.

Several Republicans, including past Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and past Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, are birthing the groundwork for their possess campaigns but none of them has formally declared a candidacy.

Early polls exhibit Obama directive possibleness politico rivals. The first scheduled debate of the politico nominating vie was delayed terminal week from May until Sept because of a demand of candidates.

Reacting to Obama's announcement, Pawlenty free a 35-second recording of his possess lightness broad unemployment, imperfectness in the structure mart and surging federal debt.

"How can USA win the future, when we're losing the present?" Pawlenty asks in the video. "In visit for USA to verify a newborn direction, it's going to verify a newborn president."

The land of the economy, which is today ontogeny but faces headwinds from ascension lubricator prices and dubiety in the orbicular outlook, is probable to be pivotal in the campaign.

The White House conventional anticipative news on the frugalness on weekday when accumulation showed that the U.S. unemployment evaluate fell in March to 8.8 percent. The amount is still broad but it is a two-year low, as employers boosted their payrolls by a solidified 216,000.

The ongoing budget fisticuffs with politico lawmakers could be a key issue in the election debate.

The White House and lawmakers are struggling to hammer out details of a cooperation measure to fund the polity for the rest of this year. It would revilement outlay by $33 billion.

If the two parties cannot encounter ordinary ground, it could obligate a polity shutdown that the White House fears could alteration the frugalness just as it is starting to improve.


Obama's declaration comes as he has convergent his communication fresh on reaction U.S. dependency on foreign lubricator and finance in conception and activity -- themes he probable module particular in his effort to stop on to the White House incoming year.

Obama also has defended the U.S. military participation in Libya that is supported by most Americans, according to polls.

Republicans feature Obama's policies to boost the frugalness and modify aid news are too expensive. They are pressing Democrats to attain unfathomable outlay cuts to diminish the U.S. deficit, added issue that could endeavor a pivotal persona in the campaign.

Obama's important legislative victories as chair were securing an upkeep of the U.S. aid grouping and business conception in 2010.

Obama's crusade module be separate by Jim Messina, a past White House deputy honcho of staff. He module lead the activeness out of the president's hometown of Chicago with the support of veterans of the 2008 crusade much as near Obama authority king Axelrod.

The chair has already started fundraising for Democrats in past weeks. Filing writing with the Federal Election Commission module allow Obama to modify his possess crusade coffers direct as well.

Obama's email, which closed with a fix labeled "donate" that linked to his crusade website, said his 2012 effort would have to be more innovative than his flourishing 2008 organization.

A two-minute, 10-second recording on the site, titled "It Begins With Us," features supporters from around the land discussing the Democratic chair and the land of the nation. But Obama is not shown or heard.

(Additional news by Bill Trott)



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