Obama likely to announce re-election bid next week (Reuters)

Sunday, April 3, 2011 11:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama is probable to foretell plans incoming week to separate for re-election and enter crusade papers with the agent Election Commission as primeval as Monday, Democratic officials said on Saturday.

Filing with the FEC would earmark Obama, a Democrat, to move raising money for the 2012 crusade that is due to shatter records in political spending.

Two Democratic officials said no final selection has been prefabricated about the timing of an announcement or filing.

Obama is in the region of a budget battle with congressional Republicans and has convergent his message in past weeks on reaction U.S. dependence on foreign lubricator and investing in conception and activity -- themes he probable module highlight in his effort to stop on to the White House incoming year.

At the same time, Obama has been defending U.S. involvement in expeditionary operations in Libya.

Republicans are pressing Democrats to make unfathomable outlay cuts to diminish the U.S. deficit, another supply that could play a pivotal persona in the campaign.

The politico earth of statesmanly challengers is ease panoramic open, however, and no one has formally declared a bid.

Obama is due to refrain naked campaigning while his possibleness politico opponents compete against apiece other.

But he has started doing whatever fundraising events for his party in past weeks. Formally announcing his electioneering would earmark Obama to move filling his possess campaign's coffers directly, too.

The chair got a increase on weekday with a Labor Department report display a slight decline in the U.S. unemployment evaluate to 8.8 percent. An rising economy is seen as critical to his re-election hopes.

Opinion surveys exhibit U.S. voters are separate over Obama. A Real Clear Politics cipher of several polls showed 47.4 proportionality of Americans approbatory of his performance in duty and 46.6 proportionality disapproving.

Poll averages also exhibit Obama fighting possibleness politico rivals including past Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, past Alaska Governor wife Palin and past Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich.

Obama, a U.S. senator from Algonquin before winning the 2008 U.S. statesmanly election, intends to base his re-election crusade discover of Chicago. Obama's past White House honcho of body Rahm Emanuel was elected major of metropolis in February and module take duty May 16 when longtime Mayor Richard M. Daley retires.

(Reporting by Jeff Mason; Editing by Will Dunham)



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