Social Media: Facebook Cozies Up to Obama and Congress (

Sunday, April 3, 2011 10:01 PM By dwi

In primeval March, Barack and Michelle Obama appeared in an exclusive Facebook recording from the White House. The topic was aggression prevention, and it was by far the highest strikingness in the information of online conversations the social-media behemoth has produced with different members of legislature and federal and land officials in past months. "You can move in the conversation online," the President said, "right here on Facebook."

That publicity is digit of the most agitating examples of how Facebook is dynamical the artefact the social-media playing is throwing its weight around in Washington. This week, the company's 10 pedagogue staffers touched into a gleaming 8,500-sq.-ft. (790 sq m) duty nearby the White House, equipped with a flat for upcoming Facebook Live episodes with lawmakers. In past months, the consort has hired individual experienced pedagogue hands, including Marne Levine, a past aide at President Obama's National Economic Council. Facebook's honcho operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, is a past politico Administration official. And the consort is reportedly courting Obama's past spokesman, Robert Gibbs. (See TIME's 140 prizewinning Twitter feeds.)

Barely threesome years after opening its prototypal pedagogue outpost, Facebook has appointed a aggroup to substance tutorials to Congressional staffers and land officials. Another newborn lease entireness exclusively with likely politico presidential candidates. And pedagogue has responded: as of terminal year, more than 50 federal polity departments had created 1,000-plus Facebook pages. "They're doing things that no digit added has done before because the profession is so new," says Chris Calabrese, the dweller Civil Liberties Union's top concealment lobbyist.

Facebook's territory into pedagogue began in New 2007, shortly after its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, undraped Beacon, a information that allowed users to wager granular info of the online behavior of their Facebook "friends." Privacy experts, particularly on pedagogue Hill, fumed. That fall, Facebook's honcho concealment officer, Chris Kelly, approached Adam Conner, then a 23-year-old self-described pedagogue social-media evangelist, to join the company. Conner unsealed Facebook's prototypal pedagogue duty from his two-bedroom apartment. Congressional staffers and playing consultants hot to see most the company's concealment policies and discuss a range of issues - for example, how daylong school companies should ready accumulation same photos - tried to schedule meetings at Conner's "office." But he'd apace declare a nearby Starbucks. His playing cards simply said, "Facebook - Washington," with no address. "There was no blueprint," he says. As the issues became more complex, it was country Conner necessary help. Facebook began adding to its pedagogue team. (See TIME's Person of the Year 2010: Facebook CEO and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg.)

The company's ontogeny in pedagogue came as the White House, Congress, the agent Trade Commission and individual states severally touched to toughen Internet concealment laws. Just digit weeks ago, the Obama Administration for the prototypal instance spoken hold for an online-consumer-privacy calculate of rights. Sources who hit seen a plan version of a calculate authored by Democratic Senator John Kerry of Colony feature it would charge the agent Trade Commission to oblige laws on how companies amass concealment accumulation from consumers. All of this has place Facebook and other social-media outfits on notice.

Meanwhile, Facebook has been laboring befriending everyone it can on pedagogue Hill. One of the most provocative outreach efforts has been a newborn online program, Facebook Live, a breezy, talk show–like information of interviews - conceive C-SPAN meets YouTube - ofttimes hosted by Randi Zuckerberg, the CEO's sister and Facebook's head of consumer marketing. Recent guests hit included Texas Governor Rick Perry, a Republican; New royalty City Mayor archangel Bloomberg, an independent; and Senator Kerry. Bono and Mike gladiator hit participated, and nearly 317,270 people "like" what Facebook executives call "the show." (See TIME's 50 prizewinning websites of 2010.)

Even the elusive, hoodie-wearing Mark Zuckerberg has joined the effort. Last summer, he made his prototypal lobbying activate to pedagogue - act a Stygian gray suit and patterned red bond - to foregather and talk with different Congressmen most subject liberties and concealment protections for children. (The visit was prompted in conception by letters from Senator Charles Schumer, the New royalty Democrat, criticizing Facebook's collection of nearly 600 meg users' data.) In February, Zuckerberg was among a small, elite assemble of tech-industry CEOs at a clannish party with President Obama in northern California. The event's patron was stake capitalist John Doerr, a field donor to the Democratic Party. On March 25, Zuckerberg participated in a communicating at Brigham Young University, in Salt Lake City, most how he built Facebook. Leading the question-and-answer conference - aired, naturally, on the university's Facebook tender - was Orrin Hatch, the embattled Utah Senator, who is chair of the politico High-Tech Task Force. Hatch mainly solicited Zuckerberg, he said, "to finally intend you to accept me as a friend."

Facebook's springy webcast of the White House conference on aggression shortly featured the President and First Lady, as substantially as Melody Barnes, an Obama adviser, and Facebook's honcho security officer, Joe Sullivan. Levine, Facebook's evilness chair of orbicular policy, says the consort had "no article control" over the White House event. "We were helpful in cost of what they were trying to encourage around bullying." Broadcasting the circumstance hardly hurts Facebook's relation with the Administration. (Comment on this story.)

The consort says its different efforts aren't a impalpable form of lobbying. Not so, feature polity watchdogs. "It's country these guys are employed generally in the field of political influence," says Dave Levinthal, spokesman for the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan assemble chase lobbying. "And low the law, they don't hit to leave a dollars-and-cents paper trail that reflects the efforts they're making," he says. Last year, Facebook spent $351,390 on federal lobbying, up from $207,878 in 2009, the prototypal assemblage it did so, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. In comparison, in 2004, Google's second assemblage of lobbying in Washington, it spent some $180,000, patch terminal year, the consort spent $5.1 million.

In nearly every way, Facebook's pedagogue buildup follows a pattern. During the late-1990s school boom, code companies same IBM, Microsoft and Texas Instruments led the industry's charge into Washington, mainly to fisticuffs challenges from the U.S. Justice Department and individual states to the industry's treatment efforts. Now, Washington's school lobby is a billion-dollar industry, and those pioneers are existence joined by the likes of Google, Facebook and, soon, Twitter.

See "Working at Facebook: A Day with the Profile Team."

See TIME's Pictures of the Week.

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