Obama: Senate vote against debt ceiling a mistake (AP)

Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama says his vote as a senator in 2006 against upbringing the debt bounds was a nonachievement motivated by politics.

Obama also says senate Democrats module assume the charge this time around when legislature votes on whether to displace the cap.

The U.S. module hit its debt bounds of $14.3 trillion by May 16. The government could be thrown into choice if legislature doesn't raise the bounds by then or presently after.

Republicans who curb the House are demanding that Obama concord to major spending cuts in mercantilism for their votes.

Obama told ABC News on weekday that no senator likes to be tagged as voting to increase the debt limit. But as president, he says he has a assorted appearance on the consequences.



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