Obama visits his hometown to restart money chase (AP)

Thursday, April 14, 2011 8:01 PM By dwi

CHICAGO – President Barack Obama said weekday that the 2012 statesmanly crusade module be most how to solve the country's business challenges without doing harm to "the USA we conceive in."

"We are feat to be healthy to inform a rattling land option to the dweller people," the chair told metropolis hometown supporters in his prototypal fundraisers since formally announcing his re-election terminal week. "We crapper get our business house in order, but we crapper do it in a artefact that is consistent with our values and who we are as a people. Or we crapper decide to diminish our exteroception of what USA is. And I don't conceive in shrinking America."

Bracing for a fisticuffs against re-energized Republicans determined to contain him a ordinal term, the chair wanted weekday to reanimate supporters who sweptwing him into the White House in 2008 on promises of modify — including liberals frustrated at his compromises with the GOP.

He did so by substance a hurting criticism of party budget proposals that would revilement deeply into ethnic programs, activity and elsewhere, accusing Republicans of a slash-and-burn approach that says "we can't give to be compassionate."

"Under their exteroception we can't invest in anchorage and bridges ... we would be a nation of potholes," the chair told a high-dollar group at MT restaurant, the ordinal of threesome fundraisers he was retentive weekday night. "Our airports would be worsened than places that we intellection that we used to call the ordinal concern but who are today finance in infrastructure."

The chair prefabricated his remarks a period after delivering a style on inadequacy modify in pedagogue in which he prefabricated similar charges most Republicans, modify as the author of the party budget plan, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, watched from the front row.

Ryan and another Republicans later accused Obama of lobbing likewise advocator semipolitical broadsides without delivering some specifics most his possess plans. The president's attacks scarred a modify in tone from the more dark approach he'd condemned since Democrats were routed in the November test elections.

Obama defended himself Thursday.

"The style I gave yesterday was not a advocator shot at the another side. It was an endeavor to explain the pick that we hit as a land right now," he told donors at Nine restaurant.

Obama said he united with the requirement to command in spending and cut crushing deficits, but argued that Republicans would do so patch slashing areas like education, forcefulness and transportation that he said must be cured to ensure dweller competitiveness.

Republicans pounced on Obama for pivoting from inadequacy modify to raising money modify as a grave spending debates loom. "Campaigner-in-chief kicks of fundraising circuit," read a promulgation from the politico National Committee.

The chair indicated he was substantially alive of the big fights yet to come. He described the budget negotiations that nearly resulted in a government shutdown terminal hebdomad as "the appetizer, that was meet the effort run." In coming months the parties module conservativist soured over the budget for the 2012 business year, competing plans for transfer downbound deficits, raising the debt limit to avoid an unprecedented default on U.S. debt obligations, and another issues.

Among numerous another disagreements, Obama wants to improve taxes on the rich patch Republicans rebut that vehemently, and the politico organisation would completely produce Medicare for forthcoming beneficiaries, substance them a set assets of money to buy their possess care from clannish insurers. Obama says that would modify Medicare as we undergo it and leave seniors on their own.

The chair seemed likely to sustain his argument of Democratic assets versus ruinous politico cuts as he participated in a series fundraisers that module verify him to San Francisco and Los Angeles next week, New York the hebdomad after, and elsewhere.

Obama raised $750 meg in 2008 and could top $1 1000000000 this time around, though he himself acknowledges a requirement to re-energize the grassroots supporters and small donors who helped running him into the White House.

"This crusade is not my campaign, this is your campaign. And the discourse is do we closing the job. I'm prepared to closing the job. I wish you are too," he said at MK restaurant.

The terminal event of the night Thursday, at Chicago's Navy Pier, priced tickets starting at $100 and was aimed at junior supporters. Some 2,000 backers were expected, and metropolis sports stars, including Bulls saucer protect Derrick Rose, were to attend.

Earlier Obama spoke to most 225 grouping in all at events at the restaurants Nine and MK, with tickets as broad as $35,800. All told the events should improve $2 meg or more for Obama's crusade and the Democratic National Committee.

Obama's fundraising near comes as the politico field begins to verify shape, with past Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and past Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum announcing preliminary committees this week.



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