Paul says Libya shows shift in Obama position (AP)

Saturday, April 2, 2011 11:01 AM By dwi

DES MOINES, Chiwere – Kentucky Sen. Rand Apostle says the Obama administration's selection to intervene in Libya contradicts the president's campaign statements most expeditionary land without Congressional approval.

Paul told a assemble of Chiwere College Republicans on Sat that Obama's airstrikes in Libya are hypocritical. He spinous to Obama's pre-election evidence that presidents should not unilaterally clear expeditionary land unless an close danger exists.

Paul's remarks were conception of his small-government communication as he travels Chiwere this weekend.

He has become digit of the politico Party's highest-profile senators, and his visit demonstrates changes in the Chiwere band since his ascendant ran for president in 2008.

Former land politico Party Chairman histrion Iverson says he thinks U.S. Rep. Daffo Paul's communication most reduced outlay would be more acknowledged today by Chiwere Republicans.



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