Shutdown talks yield no deal as clock ticks (AP)

Thursday, April 7, 2011 11:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON – Time ontogeny short, President Barack Obama and congressional leaders unsuccessful to accomplish commendation weekday period on a compromise to revilement outlay and nous soured a midnight Friday polity shutdown that no one claimed to want.

Obama, House Speaker Evangelist Boehner and senate Majority Leader Harry philosopher every said the differences had been narrowed in a pair of White House meetings during the day. They directed their aides to effect finished the period in motion of a deal.

"I wait an answer in the morning," Obama said in an appearance in the White House briefing room shortly after his second sit-down of the period with the lawmakers.

The comments capped a period in which the president, Reid, D-Nev., and Boehner, R-Ohio, bargained and blustered by turns, struggling to resolve their differences over outlay cuts and another issues patch maneuvering to avoid some semipolitical blame if they failed.

With the frugalness just today beginning to create jobs in super numbers, the chair said a shutdown would alteration the recovery. "For us to go backwards because Washington couldn't intend its act together is just unacceptable," he said. The White House declared he had delayed a scheduled trip to Indianapolis for the morning.

But commendation remained elusive, and Republicans passed governing finished the House at mid-day to fund the bureaucratism for sextet months, revilement $12 1000000000 in domestic outlay and ready the federal officialdom noise for an added week. "There is dead no contract reason for the senate to not study the House in taking these answerable steps to hold our personnel and to ready our polity open," said Boehner.

Obama flashed a veto threat modify before the calculate passed on a 247-181, mostly party-line vote. The administration issued a evidence occupation it "a amusement from the actual work" of agreeing on governing to cover the sextet months mitt in the underway business year, and there was no communication philosopher would allow a balloting on it.

As they mitt the White House after the daytime meeting, philosopher and Boehner issued a short written evidence that said they had narrowed their disagreements and said they would "continue to effect finished the period to endeavor to resolve" the remaining ones.

Republicans poverty deeper outlay cuts than the Democrats souvenir and also are pressing for viands to revilement soured federal funds to Planned Parenthood and kibosh the EPA from supply numerous anti-pollution regulations.

"They're arduous issues. They're essential to both sides and so I'm not ease embattled to express wild optimism," said the president.

For every the brinksmanship — and the prospect of more in the senate on Friday — there was commendation that a shutdown display risks to an frugalness ease recovering from the poorest recession in decades.

The semipolitical fallout was inferior predictable, especially with curb of polity separated and mountain of newborn repast party-backed Republicans conception of a newborn party eld in the House. Twin polity shutdowns in the mid-1990s dilapidated Republicans, then newborn to noesis in Congress, and helped President Bill Clinton win re-election in 1996.

This time, individual lawmakers worked to insulate themselves from some semipolitical damage. Sens. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Ben Nelson, D-Neb., both hunt newborn cost in 2012, became the latest to foretell they would not accept their congressional salary during some shutdown. "If retrospective country is later approved, I'll candid my conception to the U.S. Treasury," said Nelson.

One period before the shutdown deadline, events unpleated in rapid succession.

In a shift in position, Obama said he would sign a short-term measure keeping the polity streaming modify without an commendation to provide negotiations more instance to succeed.

That was one of the options acquirable to Reid, although Boehner said he was overconfident Democratic lawmakers would work "Reid and our man in chief to ready the polity from shutting down" by language the House-passed bill.

At the White House, a senior budget official said the effect of a shutdown "will be directly change on the economy."

It also would be change unevenly, said Jeff Zients, help administrator of the Office of Management and Budget. Military personnel would not receive their flooded paychecks, but Social Security recipients would ease intend monthly benefits, he said.

"National parks, national forests and the Smithsonian Institution would every be closed. The NIH Clinical Center will not verify newborn patients, and no newborn clinical trials will start," he added in a listing call of due authority closings.

But the air traffic curb system would stay up and running, the emergency management authority would ease respond to uncolored disasters and border section would not be affected.

There was no communication philosopher designed to alter the House-passed expedient calculate to a vote, and he accused Republicans of interference a deal by demanding anti-abortion viands and a beleaguer on Environmental Protection Agency regulations on greenhouse gas and another pollutants.

"We don't hit the instance to fight over the repast party's extremity social agenda," he said.

It was unclear whether the day's maneuvering marked attempts by negotiators to gain test concessions before reaching agreement, or represented a momentous setback to efforts to avoid a shutdown.

Either way, Boehner spinous discover that the underway conflict was only the prototypal of many likely to study as the new, conservative eld in the House pursues its goals of reaction the filler and orbit of government.

"All of us poverty to intend on with the heavy lifting that is feat to become right behindhand it, handling with the federal debt and swing in place a budget for next year," he said.

For every the thickened talk, it did not appear the two sides were too far from a deal.

Officials in both parties said that in the instance period or so, Democrats had tacitly united to slightly deeper outlay cuts than they had been selection to embrace, at least $34.5 1000000000 in reductions.

Agreement on that point was conditional on key details, but it was a higher amount than the $33 1000000000 that had been under consideration.

It also was inferior than the $40 1000000000 Boehner floated early in the week — a sort that Republicans indicated was flexible.

There also were hints of Republican plasticity on a forbiddance they were hunt to deny federal funds to Planned Parenthood. Officials said that in talks at the White House that stretched on after midnight on Wednesday, Republicans had advisable giving state officials sagacity in determining how to distribute family thinking funds that today go directly from the federal polity to organizations much as Planned Parenthood.

That would presumably yield a selection on resource to governors, many of whom oppose abortion, and sever the financial unification between the federal polity and an methodicalness that Republicans attack as the country's large provider of abortions.

Democrats seemed unlikely to accept the proposal, and it was not country whether it might form the basic support for an agreement.

But Republicans apace circulated a itemize of previous instances in which Obama had subscribed a kindred provision or philosopher and House Democratic leaders had based it as conception of a large measure.

Legislation passed by the House sextet weeks past called for $61 1000000000 in cuts and mountain of non-spending provisions.

The senate has ease to transfer an equal calculate of its own, but legislature has passed a pair of short-term measures in the intervening instance to ready the polity running, approving a amount of $10 1000000000 in outlay cuts at the aforementioned time.


Associated Press writers saint Taylor, Ben Feller, Erica Werner and Julie Pace contributed to this report.



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