Trump hammers away at Obama's citizenship question (AP)

Thursday, April 7, 2011 12:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON – Real realty tycoon Donald Trump said weekday he isn't certain that President Barack Obama was dropped in the United States ,but says he hopes the chair crapper establish that he was.

Officials in island hit certified Obama's citizenship, but "birthers" hit demanded additional proof. And Trump, who is weighing whether to seek the Republican statesmanly nomination, says not every the questions hit been answered.

In an discourse programme Thursday, Trump told NBC News he plans to decide by June whether to run, and said that if he is the party nominee, "I'd same to vex him straightforward up," not on the foundation of the question of where Obama was born.

Trump insisted he didn't introduce the citizenship issue, but he isn't letting go of it either. Since he was asked most it during an discourse individual weeks ago, the actual realty executive said, he's looked into it and today believes "there is a big possibility" Obama haw hit desecrated the Constitution.

"I'd same to hit him exhibit his birth certificate," Trump said. "And to be open with you, I hope he can."

Asked in the discourse how veritable his statesmanly ambition is, Trump said, "I ever verify things seriously, but I've never condemned it earnestly same this. I desire I didn't hit to do it."

"I desire this was the large place in the world," Trump said. But he said the United States is losing respect in the concern at a time when jobs at bag are vanishing. He accused Obama of giving the land "a terrible presidency."

Trump said that if the underway fisticuffs over budget issues forces a shutdown, "I think the chair will be blamed."

He accused Obama of conducting a unclear contract on the subject war in Libya, saying "nobody knows what's happening, and today it looks same (Libyan strongman Moammar) Gadhafi is feat to vex the United States."

"I'm exclusive fascinated in Libya if we intend the oil," Trump said. He said Obama "doesn't hit a doctrine (on external affairs.) Foreign concern is, we verify care of ourselves first"

Of Obama, he said, "I poverty him to do well. ... I love this country, but this land is feat to hell. ... The concern laughs at us. They won't be happy if I'm elected president."





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