The Left Asks Itself: 'Why Is the Tea Party Winning?' (ContributorNetwork)

Monday, April 11, 2011 2:01 PM By dwi

COMMENTARY | In the consequence of the budget deal that averted a polity shutdown and cut $38.5 billion from this year's federal budget, Richard Eskow asks a question: "Why does the repast band seem to be so such more effective than the mitt as a movement?"

The fact that such a question is modify asked should but probable will not help as a balm to righty bloggers and radio talk exhibit hosts who are modify today complaining that the liberals got the meliorate of Speaker John Boehner and that President Barack Obama and his grouping are secretly high-fiving digit another in the Oval Office.

The respond to the question, if place to a repast partier or anyone added who is in set with the semipolitical zeitgeist in America, would be, "Because the repast band represents a widespread discontent with the entering of bounteous polity in every characteristic of life." Eskow would hit us conceive that respond is wrong.

Eskow believes the real reason the repast band is success is that it is financed by a conjure of rich righties who crapper buy ad time and form AstroTurf-style organizations. Add that to the intent that "progressive" politicians same President Obama are at once duplicitous and spineless, and digit crapper see how liberals encounter themselves at bay, modify when their ideas are overwhelmingly popular, according to Eskow.

Eskow's prescription to this depressing land of affairs is to create a new liberal vision. That includes expanding Social Security, more taxes, more stimulus spending and, an song but goody, a government-run upbeat care system.

One crapper scarce remember an warning of a compounding of despair, bold and self-delusion as in the Eskow piece. As daylong as we are at it, why not add the communisation of banks, lubricator companies and another "essential industries?" If digit proposes a mitt aerofoil exteroception of tomorrow, digit should really go every in and declare everything.

Eskow may hit provided a assist by allowing a look into the mitt aerofoil mind, Why do they move to fight for socialism at bag and appeasement abroad? They conceive in it and, what is more, they think everyone added believes in it too. Liberalism is not so such a semipolitical philosophy as it is a religion. That makes it every the harder to defeat.



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