WH: Obama regrets vote against raising debt limit (AP)

Monday, April 11, 2011 3:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON – The White House said weekday that President Barack Obama regrets his balloting as a senator in 2006 against upbringing the debt bounds — the aforementioned kind of process he's today pressuring legislature to approve.

Obama "thinks it was a mistake," presidential spokesman Jay Carney told reporters. "He realizes today that upbringing the debt cap is so essential to the health of this frugalness and the orbicular frugalness that it is not a balloting that, modify when you are complaintive an administration's policies, you can endeavor around with."

The land will accomplish its debt bounds of $14.3 1E+12 by May 16. If legislature doesn't improve it by then or presently thereafter, the polity would not be healthy to attain debt payments, directive to an unexampled choice of the national debt and driving up borrowing costs for the government, U.S. companies and consumers, the Treasury Department warns.

Republicans who curb the House are threatening to withhold their votes to process the debt cap unless Obama agrees to field outlay cuts. The White House is continual that the debt cap be extended without any attempts to revilement outlay bespoken to it.

That effectuation pedagogue is correct back where it started before the budget fisticuffs that nearly resulted in a polity shutdown terminal week. Both sides show no provide modify though they'll hit to cooperation in order to refrain an outcome everyone says they poverty to avoid.

With the wager higher this time, the conflict over the debt bounds that looks likely to spend pedagogue in coming weeks could farther overshadow the budget showdown that ended in a last-minute care weekday night.

The White House's account weekday of Obama's denaturized function on the debt bounds was an endeavor to prepare for the fisticuffs by protection the chair against charges of flip-flopping already being leveled by Republicans.

Congress is forced to process the debt bounds every individual eld and it often turns semipolitical with members of the minority band withholding their votes to extract concessions or direct criticism at the band that controls the White House.

That was the case in 2006 when Republican martyr W. Bush was chair and Obama, a underclassman senator from Illinois, proclaimed on the senate floor: "The fact that we are here today to debate upbringing America's debt bounds is a sign of activity failure. ... Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership effectuation that 'the buck stops here.' Instead, pedagogue is shifting the charge of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem."

Today similar arguments are heard from Republicans.

"The chair has asked us to process the debt limit, in other text to process the bounds on the credit card, without doing anything about the maker of the problem. And we've got to care with the maker of the problem," House Speaker Evangelist Boehner, R-Ohio, said weekday on Fox News Channel.

"My members won't balloting to process the debt bounds unless we're attractive earnest steps in the correct direction," Boehner said.

Carney didn't disavow Obama's comments from 2006. But he said the chair understands today that "when you're in the legislature, when you're in the Senate, you poverty to attain clear your function if you don't agree with the policies of the administration."

"But there are some other structure to do it," he said. "We do not need to endeavor chicken with our frugalness by linking the upbringing of the debt cap to anything."



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