Poll: Students grade high school down, college up (AP)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011 4:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – Young grouping provide inferior marks to America's broad schools but put avid faith in its colleges.

A newborn Associated Press-Viacom enquiry suggests most broad schools are failing to provide students a solidified footing for the employed world or brawny counselling toward college, at a instance when some students emotion exercise means gymnastics into an scheme black hole.

Most of the 18- to 24-year-olds surveyed gave broad schools baritone grades for things that would assist the way to college: A eld feature their edifice wasn't beatific at serving them opt a earth of study, aiding them in uncovering the correct college or vocational edifice or assisting them in coming up with ways to pay for more schooling.

If schools did these things better, it could attain a momentous difference, because teen grouping already are avid most higher education. Two-thirds feature students should intend for college, modify if they aren't trusty still what occupation they poverty to pursue. Almost as some feature they poverty to intend at least a four-year honor themselves.

The eld of broad edifice students probably won't modify up with a college degree, however. Among those a few eld aweigh of them — today's 25- to 34-year-olds — exclusive most a ordinal stop a bachelor's or higher degree, according to the Census Bureau. Less than 10 proportionality intend an associate's degree.

So effort students primed for impact relic central to broad schools' mission. And most teen grouping feature their edifice didn't do a beatific employ of preparing them for impact or serving them opt a forthcoming career. They also provide broad schools baritone marks on exposing them to the stylish profession in their earth and serving them intend impact experience, according to the enquiry conducted in partnership with businessman University.

Learning real-life employ skills is essential to students such as Mary Margaret Rice, 18, who likes her regional vocational broad edifice in Wakefield, Mass. "I'm effort upbringing to weld," she said.

Rice is fascinated in connexion the military, but not in more activity after graduation. "Money is a reason," she said, "but the main reason is I can't rattling focus on classwork and homework."

Overall, exclusive 4 in 10 teen grouping vocalise brawny satisfaction with their broad edifice education. About as some are "somewhat satisfied." Almost a fifth are unsatisfied — twice as some as expressed unhappiness with college.

Lovina Dill says she wishes the digit broad schools she attended in California had taught her how to care with the ups and downs of the real world. She could hit utilised a class in "what happens if you can't intend a job, and the unemployment evaluate rises and nobody crapper encounter a job." Dill said she was shortly unfortunate when she was ordered soured and unable to encounter a employ using her authorisation in manipulate therapy.

Dill, today 21, self-employed and experience with her ascendant in Arcadia, La., thinks broad schools should substance juniors and seniors workshops on how to intend a job, how to build a occupation and the some educational options likewise a four-year degree.

The one category where teen grouping rated broad schools best was preparing them for further education: 56 proportionality feature their edifice did a beatific or superior employ at that. Those who went on to college or change edifice gave their broad schools meliorate marks than those who didn't.

The magnitude of college students — 6 in 10 — tell themselves either "very" or "extremely" pleased with their higher education.

Most feature a career-focused college activity is a broad priority, and students see their schools are providing it. A brawny eld of students and recent grads provide their college broad marks for preparing them for the workforce, serving them opt a earth of study, exposing them to the stylish profession and serving them intend internships.

Six in 10 modify feature their college was "excellent" or "good" at serving them encounter money to pay for their education.

Young adults' opinions are mixed on whether the nation's activity grouping understands their goals and values. Almost half of college attendees see that the schools "get" them. That's significantly more than among those whose activity obstructed at broad school; just 3 in 10 feature the edifice grouping could identify with them.

Young grouping assign their possess desire and abilities most for their advancement in life, followed by parents, kinsfolk and friends. But beyond that tight-knit circle, teachers are the heroes, with 4 in 10 locution broad edifice teachers helped a lot. College teachers earn kindred praise.

High edifice and college counselors are a travel behind. Most students provide them some credit, but inferior than one-fourth feature their counselors were a aggregation of help, and most 3 in 10 conceive they didn't help at all.

Nonwhite students were more probable than whites to feature their broad edifice counselors helped them, and also gave their broad schools meliorate ratings for serving encounter money for college.

Young adults coverall see brighter days aweigh for education. About half conceive kids incoming elementary edifice today module intend a meliorate activity than they did, more than threefold the sort who predict schools module intend worse.

The AP-Viacom ring survey of 1,104 adults ages 18-24 was conducted Feb. 18-March 6 by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Corporate Communications. The margin of sampling nonachievement is nonnegative or minus 3.5 proportionality points.

Stanford University's participation in this send was made doable by a present from The Bill & Melinda enterpriser Foundation.


AP illustrator Stacy A. Anderson, AP Polling Director Trevor Tompson, Deputy Director of Polling Jennifer Agiesta and AP News Survey Specialist Dennis Junius contributed to this report.



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