New cat in town: ‘Tiger Mother’ Amy Chua’s daughter starts blog (Daily Caller)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011 6:01 AM By dwi

“Tiger Mother” Amy Chua has been a high-traffic programme component since the January promulgation of her sarcastic aggregation on rigid child-rearing, but girl Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld seems to be getting up.

The high edifice pianist, who is a field housing in Chua’s hard critiqued memoir Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, started a journal early this month named “New Tiger in Town” to chronicle her regular chronicle and “set the achievement straight” on cyberspace rumors most her family. Since the Tiger Mother aggregation launch, Chua has been named monstrous, abusive, and a horrendous parent for rigorous perfect grades from her children and forcing them to endeavor instruments of her choice. Chua’s girls hit condemned heat for their mom’s actions, and whatever hit challenged the demanding rules with which the “brainwashed” cubs were raised.

“When the full world’s occupation you a unreasonable robot, you category of intend the urge to move talking! Even though ‘Sophia’ in the aggregation is such more awesome than Sophia in actual life,” Chua-Rubenfeld wrote in a journal post.

Though Chua didn’t earmark her digit daughters to intend anything modify than “A”s in scholarly courses or hit endeavor dates when they were young, Tiger Mother experiences moments of laziness.

“[S]he has a ridiculous turn of energy, but still she burns discover and collapses in bed,” Chua-Rubenfeld wrote of her mom. “She’ll be like, ‘Sophia, intend me my water bottle!’ when it’s on her bedside table.”

The Ivy league-bound blogger isn’t immune to sarcasm either, as she wrote that she would pay Lincoln chronicle “[sleeping] every day, [raving] every night. Learn by osmosis.”

Chua-Rubenfeld’s chronicle isn’t every structure every the time, as she’s still doubtful which college field she’ll pursue.

“Absolutely no idea,” Chua-Rubenfeld wrote. “I’m pleased I hit plenty of instance to decide. As of now, I am shying away from Pre-Med, Pre-Law, or Pre-any-other-predetermined-career-path.”

This isn’t Chua-Rubenfeld’s prototypal endeavor to vindicate herself and manipulate her mother’s image. In the aftermath of Chua’s Wall Street Journal aggregation select backlash, Tiger girl Chua-Rubenfeld dispatched a letter to the New royalty Post titled, “Why I love My Strict Asiatic Mom”.

“No unknown crapper know what our kinsfolk is rattling like,” Chua-Rubenfeld wrote. “They don’t hear us noise up over apiece other’s jokes… I admit it: Having you as a mother was no repast party. There were whatever endeavor dates I wish I’d gone to and whatever piano camps I wish I’d skipped. But today that I’m 18 and most to leave the individual den, I’m pleased you and Daddy upraised me the way you did.”

Though Chua-Rubenfeld hasn’t declared her college pick yet, she publicised a clannish tweet on Friday, “loved yale. so so much.” Tiger Mother Chua told The Daily Caller terminal hebdomad that her girl was most to visit altruist and Yale’s campuses.

In the same interview with TheDC, Chua said she’d meant for her aggregation to be funny, self-deprecating, and satirical. Chua-Rubenfeld shares her mother’s sense of humor, having tweeted on Saturday, “train to boston delayed again. terminal straw. individual beginner vs amtrak…let the deathmatch begin”.

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